Never embarrassing

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A/N: the first part of this takes place before Tony and Steve are dating. Enjoy!

Steve's POV
I walked into Tony's room to wake him up, because of course he was still sleeping, he looks adorable when he sleeps I just wish I could be sleeping next to him but that will never happen. He had broken up with Pepper a month ago but he is still straight, I could never change that.

It was already 12:30 and we had a meeting with Fury in an hour.

I yelled, "Tony! Time to get your ass out of bed. 30 minutes until we have a meeting with Fury!"

Tony jumped a little when I yelled but just put his head back on his pillow and mumbled a small, but hearable, "Language Captain"

"Haha very funny," I said, sarcastically, "Now time to get up"

Of course Tony being the stubborn man he is just put his head back into the pillow and mumbled something I could understand.

I thought for a moment before I decided to do something a little stupid, I but might just work.

"I'm going to get into bed with you if you don't get up." I said, hoping it would help him get up, but it didn't.

So I did exactly what I said I would, climbed into his bed and wrapped my arms around him.

To my surprise he didn't care and just mumbled, "glad you finally decided to join me." I blushed when he said that and I saw him blush a little to.

Tony's POV
I finally had Steve in my bed, holding me. I don't really know how it happened but it did.

For some reason I had really strong feelings toward him and decided to try and kiss him and see how he reacts.

I turned in his arms and looked him in his beautiful blue eyes. I then leaned in closer and could feel him leaning in also. Then I felt his lips connect with mine, and it was like fireworks. When we split for air I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me. Before I could think he connected his lips with mine once again, this time with more love and passion. He pulled me closer to him, and I put my arms around his neck.

———A few weeks later——-
Steve's POV
Tony and I were in a relationship now, but it was still a secret to the rest of the team. It was kind of a mutual agreement between Tony and I.

Tony walked into the living room, and shot me with one of his gorgeous smiles. Then he started walking closer to me and put his arms around my neck. I leaned in and kissed him.

We both thought no one was at the tower until we heard the door shut and Natasha yell, "what the actual hell is going on?!"

Tony and I both turned at exactly the same time. we were both blushing like crazy.

I started to say something but nothing came out instead Tony said, "Hey Nat, what's up?"

She just stared at him and said, "Well I just walked in on two of my best friends making out. I want an explanation."

"Well we've been going out secretly for about 3 weeks. We haven't told anyone." I said quietly

"Excuse us one second." Tony stated, before pulling me into another room.

"Why do we have to keep it a secret. It's not embarrassing. Is it? I'm I an embarrassment to you?"

"No." I said practically whispering. I felt tears threatening to fall.

"Then why is it so important to keep it a secret?" Tony hissed.

"I don't know" I whispered, tears now running down my face.

I saw Tony's eyes turn to a look of realization, and he walked over to me, wrapping is arms around my waist, and whispered in my ear "I'm sorry. I..." He took a shaky, deep breath before continuing, "I was always an embarrassment to my dad and my mom and that's always the first thought that goes to my mind. I didn't want to make you cry, I hate seeing you upset." Tears we're now falling down his face too.

I pulled him into a hug and said, "let's tell the whole team tonight."

He looked at me his eyes now dancing with happiness, "Really, you would do that for me? Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure, I love you and I don't care what anyone else thinks." I smiled at him.

We went back out holding hands, and for some reason all the other avengers were there. Natasha must of called them.

I looked at Tony and he smiled at me, I smiled back and said to everyone "As you all can see me and Tony are dating, and it's been going on for about 3 weeks."

"Ya we know Nat told us everything." It was Clint who said that. I gave Nat the death stare, she just looked at me innocently.

That night we went to the bar to celebrate mine and Tony's relationship. Everything was perfect.

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