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A/N: Two different universes one where Steve proposes and one where Tony does. Also slight trigger warnings.

Proposal #1: Steve proposes

Steve was laying sideways on his bed with his feet dangling off. He was thinking. Well, actually he wasn't thinking anymore. He had already made up his mind about Tony a long time ago. It was more like he was getting ready to do something extraordinary that would change his life. He sat up and looked out at the beautiful sunset view from the floor to ceiling window in his and Tony's room. The blonde stood up and made sure the small velvet box was in his pocket while he strode towards the door, "Jarvis, are you recording?"

"Yes, Captain. And I wish you the best of luck."

Steve smiled at the words, "Thanks, Jarv, I hope it goes well too." He paused for a moment before asking, "Any chance you know where Tony is right now?"

"He just passed your door, Captain," The A.I. replied instantly.

"Perfect," Steve replied as he put his hand on the doorknob and checked his pocket one more time. He took a deep breath and opened the door silently. He peaked his head out and saw Tony walking down the hall with his back towards their door.

Steve stepped out of the room soundlessly and took the box out of his pocket and flipped it open. He knelt down on one knee and took a deep breath. 'This is it,' He thought.

"Tony," He called to the brunette who was still walking in the opposite direction.

"Hold on, babe," Tony said as he started to turn around. He was typing furiously on his StarkPad. He almost dropped it when he looked up and saw Steve kneeling with the soft velvet box, grinning from ear to ear. His eyes widened so much that it looked like they might pop out of his head at any second.

"Ok, Tony, now before you say ye-... uh... anything," Well Steve wasn't certain the answer was going to be yes, he didn't want to put any more pressure on Tony, "Let me say my very patriotic speech about why I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Tony wasn't even sure he could talk if he wanted to. He had never been speechless before, always babbling and saying witty remarks. He never had any intention of stopping but now it seemed like he just couldn't open his mouth... or breath really. Steve, of course, noticed Tony's face turning a little purple and chuckled.

"C'mon, baby, breath," He heard Tony take a deep breath in and then let it out. "Good, now onto my speech," he had to remind himself to breath too, "I was ready to kill myself-"

"Not usually how these types of things start, honey," Tony remarked. At least he could talk again, was all Steve thought.

Steve continued as if Tony hadn't interrupted, but he wouldn't meet the other man's eyes this time, "The night after the battle of New York. I had the gun in my hand, up against my head, finger on the trigger, ready to shoot. I had pondered the idea of shooting myself even before the battle. Right after I was taken out of the ice. I had no use in the 21st century, there was no need for an old guy with a frisbee in this era-"

"Now don't go on insulting your baby like that, Steven," Of course Tony was talking about the shield.

The blonde took a deep breath in and closed his eyes for a moment, collecting his thoughts, "I was just five seconds away from pulling the trigger, so close to relieving myself from the burden of this world. But then there was a knock on my door. I thought someone had found out what I was doing, and Shield was gonna take me and lock me in one of the Hulk-proof cages," He finally looked up and met Tony's eyes, "But it wasn't that, no not at all. It was you, Tony. when I opened the door I saw you standing there all shy and even blushing a little, I didn't think you could blush!" Steve had had Jarvis take a picture of that moment and print it for him. It was Steve's favorite picture of Tony, he looked at it quite often. "and you asked me out, Tony. I remember the exact words you said to me, 'Hey, Capsicle, wanna, y'know, grab a cheeseburger with me? Oh and by the way, this is me asking you on a date, don't know if you knew that being the grandpa that you are.' And Tony if you would've waited a day longer, hell even a second longer! I would've done it, I would've pulled the trigger," A tear slid down the super-soldiers face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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