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Tony Stark had trust issues, plain and simple. From his father to Obadiah Stane. Then there was Pepper, who even after knowing about his issues, cheated on him. So yes, the first person who Tony ever really truly loved (besides his mother), cheated on him. And that really hit him hard right in the heart. After pepper cheated on him he started drinking and staying in his lab more than he already did before. There was really only one person who was willing to try and help him. And that one person was none other than Steve Rogers.
"Tony," Steve warned, "you've been down here for 29 days without a break, you've barely eaten anything I've brought you, and the only thing you drink is alcohol! And the only time you sleep is when you drink so much that you pass out!"

"I'm fine, Steve" Tony replied snarkily.

"No Tony, you're not fine, you're so far off from fine and it hurts me and the team to see you like this. So please just go up to your room and get one good night's sleep. I won't even bother you tomorrow if that's what it takes to get you to sleep and have a little bit of water. Maybe even shower. Just please leave your lab!"

"Wow Cap didn't realize you cared this much," The brunette replied, now working on a random car part.

"Of course I care, why wouldn't I?"

"Because no one ever does, Cap, no one! I could spend a year down here and I bet the rest of the team wouldn't even notice!" The genius said now yelling, "And I can't keep... I can't keep having this happen to me, it hurts so much," he continued now whispering, tears threatening to fall.

"Oh Tony," Steve said in a softly, voice full of sympathy, "I know this is your way of dealing with it, trapping yourself in your lab and drowning your thoughts in alcohol, but why don't you come sit down," he said gesturing to the couch, "and talk to me, because I won't leave, trust me."

Tony stayed silent for a minute just letting the thoughts run through his head.
'Can I really trust him? I can't... But maybe I can. What are the risks of this, what if he does leave? Is it worth the risk? I'll just have to go for it... I guess'

Tony looked deep into Steve's beautiful sky blue eyes and walked over to the couch and sat down, waiting for the worst, maybe a lecture about self-care or about his teammates. But instead Steve sat down next to him and pulled him into his chest, wrapping his arms around Tony.

Tony let the tears fall silently. Steve decided against saying anything, he knew Tony hated when people saw him cry. So instead he just rubbed his hand in circular motion around Tony's back.

"Do you want to talk about it?" The blonde whispered into Tony's ear.

Tony nodded so slightly that Steve barely noticed. He let go of Tony but kept one arm around his waist, when Tony didn't protest he kept it there.

"Cap I have a problem," Tony admitted honestly, chuckling, "I can't seem to keep a person interested enough with me that they won't betray me or leave me or both, but I need someone to talk to and right now... That's you. So thank you."

Steve nodded and a small appeared on his face.

"It's just that ever since my father it's been hard to trust people and love people. I always tend to screw up somehow. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. Then this happened," Tony said and pointed to the place on his chest where the arc reactor is, "and Obadiah Stane, who I trusted with my company, pulled it out and almost killed me. And it's just so hard when people touch it, even in the slightest and I don't know or trust them, I just feel that pain again. Now it's really if I can trust them. Like not just trust like 'I'll tell you all of my secrets if you tell me all of yours,' more like 'can I trust that'll you'll be there when I wake up or that you'll stay by me no matter how bad I mess up' because it's hard to find someone like that." He took a deep breath and continued, "you still with me, Capsicle?"

"Yes, and I understand completely."

Tony smiled, a happy genuine smile that Steve returned, just as happy and genuine as Tony's.

They stayed like that for a few hours, talking about life and their issues, until Tony yawned and snuggled up into Steves side and said "m'tired," so matter of factly that Steve almost started laughing.

"Can I...," Tony paused thinking for a second, "can I sleep in your room? With you? Not in a sexual way or anything, but just because it's nice to know you're there."

"Yes, of course Tony, my doors always open for you," Steve said smiling, "but can you take a shower first, I don't mind if you don't, but I don't want to change the sheets, but if you're too tired, I understand..."

"Yes I'll shower first, it's fine," Tony said laughing a bit.

"Now come on Lets go," Steve said, helping Tony up.

Once Tony was showered and in sweatpants and a loose t-shirt he went to Steve's floor and knocked on his door, "Hey Steve? Can I come in?"

"Ya just a sec... Ok ya come in."

Tony popped his head in and got a glimpse of Steves abs before he pulled his shirt completely down. And for some strange reason his heart fluttered and he felt... weird? Like he hasn't felt in a while. And it was scary for him, having these feelings again, the feeling that he could trust someone so soon after being hurt.

"Tony you alright?" Steve's asked, with a little hint of panic in his voice

Tony snapped out of his thoughts and answered with a small "yes" before yawning.

He got onto Steves bed and got under the covers. Steve laughed a little.

"Come join me Cap," the billionaire said, laughing a little too and patting the spot next to him.

Steve got under the covers with him, he put his arm around Tony's waist hesitantly before asking, "is this ok?"

Tony stiffened a little at the touch but quickly relaxed and answered, "yes, that's ok."

They both fell asleep to the sound of each other's breathing, smiling slightly.

This went on for a few weeks, them talking and sleeping in Steve's room.  No one seemed to notice, and if they did, they just didn't care enough to say anything.

Steve had really started liking Tony a lot, like as more than a friend, so he decided that he would ask him out casually and see where that took him.

"Hey Tony?" Steve asked once they got settled on the couch.

"Ya?" Tony replied, a bit of confusion in his eyes. Oh how Steve loved looking into those chocolate brown eyes. Tony may not always express his feelings but his eyes told Steve exactly how he was feeling.
"I was wondering if you know.... You wanted to..."

"Come on Steve, just ask me out already," Tony said smirking

Steve looked at him, half in shock and half in happiness that he knew Tony wanted this too.

"I was wondering if you would like to go out with me some time? As more than friends."

"Wow the Captain America is asking me out? Wow... Just wow..." Tony said in mock surprise, "of course I'll go out with you Capsicle," Tony finished smiling.

Steve smiled his best smile at him, and he just look genuinely happy to be going out with Tony. And Tony sure did love that smile.

"And Steve?"

"Hmm?" Steve hummed in response

Tony lifted Steves hand and put on top of the arc reactor. Steve looked at him shocked.

"I trust you," Tony whispered.

Steve almost started crying right there. He pulled Tony into a kiss filled with passion and love.

"You do?" Steve whispered when they pulled apart, and he put his forehead against Tony's.

"Ya I do. I trust you." Tony whispered back, leaning in for another kiss.

Stony one-shots (Tony Stark and Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now