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A/N: Happy Birthday Captain America! I love how his birthday is on the Fourth of July. Now onto the story:

Steve's POV
2 days before the Fourth of July fireworks started. I can tell you that because I get PTSD from them. They sound too much like guns, and it reminded me of the war. It was just 3 booms, but that was enough to get me awake. I shot up, sweaty and out of breath. Then I looked next to me at a still sleeping Tony, although I knew he would wake up in the next minute or so because of my sudden movement.

I lied back down and closed my eyes hoping Tony wouldn't notice I was scared of fireworks because the thing is that my birthday is on the Fourth of July. And since I have Tony Stark as a husband, I know that he has already planned a huge celebration for me, with many fireworks, and many people. He did it every year since we've been together, and I still manage to keep my cool when they start going off.

"Babe?" I didn't answer, hoping he would think I'm asleep.

"Honey, I know you're awake. We've been married for 3 years and together for 5. You can't fool me. Now tell me what happened so we can figure it out together." That's my stubborn-ass husband. Gotta love him. Which I do of course.

"Ok, here's the thing," I started, now sitting up and looking at him, "I sort of, maybe, just a little-"

"Just tell me," Tony cut me off.

"Ok, ok, I get major PTSD from fireworks because they sound like guns, and well, they just remind me of the war."

Tony's face went pale, and he looked completely horrified.

"Oh my god, I'm a terrible husband," He whispered.

"No you're not, honey," I reassured him and pulled him into a hug. He buried his face into my chest and mumbled, "how could I not notice my own husband suffering, and it's all my fault too for the parties!" He said suddenly pulling away and getting out of the bed, now pacing.

"Come on Tony, you're being ridiculous. I was just really good at hiding it. It's not your fault," I said, getting up and pulling Tony into another hug and kissing his head.

"Steve, honey, not to be rude but you're a terrible liar, I was too caught up in thinking my parties were so great to even ask or notice how you were feeling!" He exclaimed, shaking his head.

"Tones, stop beating yourself up. I really liked the parties-"

"Stop lying," he cut me off again.

"Let me finish. What I was going to say was that they were great except for the fireworks"

"But that's the whole party!"

"That's not true."

"That's the whole point of the party."

Couldn't argue there, so he just continued talking, "and I already planned this year's party and invited people, but I guess I can send another email canceling," Now he was just mumbling to himself like he does in his lab while he's working.

"Tones, darling, look at me," he didn't even acknowledge me speaking, just kept mumbling to himself.

"Tony," I said again a bit louder but still soft. This time he looked up so I continued, "we can cancel and have our own little party together up here, maybe watch a movie, and just talk and that kind of stuff. Ok?"


"Now come here and-"

"What I don't get is how I didn't notice. I should've at least seen some kind of nervousness in your face or your hands would be sweatier. If it were me in your place you would've noticed right away and comforted me. Am I really that selfish that I don't even realize-"

Stony one-shots (Tony Stark and Steve Rogers)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя