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"Tony?" Steve called as he walked into the tower.

"Ya babe, I'm in the kitchen," Tony called back.

Steve made his way to the kitchen to talk to Tony about a very important decision he made.

"Hey, what's up?" Tony asked, looking up from whatever he was cooking.

"I've made a decision," The blonde declared.

"And what would that decision be? Are you finally shaving your beard?" The genius asked, eager to hear what the decision was.

"No, that's not... Do you not like my beard?" Steve asked, frowning. It wasn't so hard for him to grow it out but he thought everyone liked it.

"Oh no, honey I like your beard it's just that," he thought for a moment before saying, "it's just that I miss touching your face, that's all. But what were you gonna say before?"

"You can still touch my face, there's just hair covering it, but you also have a beard, I've never been able to touch your face without the goatee."

"The goatee is an icon, I need to have it or I'm not Tony Stark!" Tony proclaimed 

Steve snorted, "that's not what makes you Tony Stark... But that's not the point-"

"The point is whatever decision you made!" He cut Steve off.

"No the point is that I'm gonna go shave my beard because you clearly don't like it," he pouted.

"You know it makes me sad when you pout, it makes you look like a lost golden retriever," Tony frowned and continued, "but I do like your beard, makes you look sexy," he smirked.

"Well I'm gonna go shave, see you later, babe," he smirked and kissed the tip of the smaller man's nose.

"Wait but what was the decision!" He yelled because Steve was now in the next room.

"Guess you'll have to find out later," The blonde yelled back, smiling. He loved making Tony impatient. He thinks it's really cute when he gets all squirmy and clingy.

Steve made his way up to their master bedroom. He liked taking the stairs even though it was many floors up. He thinks it's really good exercise. But when he suggested it to Tony he refused because, well, he's Tony.

Steve went straight to the bathroom and took out his shaver and got started.

"My beard is great, but whatever guess I'll have to grow it out a different time," he mumbled to himself, "at least I get to keep Tony waiting," he smiled thinking about how right at that moment Tony was pacing in the kitchen trying to figure out what Steve was going to tell him.

He went back downstairs and to his surprise, Tony was sitting in the living room, but he shaved his goatee.

Steve sat on the couch next to Tony on the couch and wrapped his arms around Tony's waist. The smaller man looked up from his phone and smiled at his husband.



"You shaved?"

"Ya, so did you. What's your point?"

"Why? I thought you said it was an icon and that's what made you Tony Stark."

"Well... I felt kinda bad that I made you shave, I know you really like your beard and it  was rude of me to insult it," Tony answered honestly but quickly changed his tone to a needy one as he asked, ''Now, what was the big decision you made earlier that you were gonna tell me?"

"Ok so remember that vacation you wanted to take a few weeks ago but I said no to because we're Avengers and have responsibilities and other things like that?"

"No it's because you're a Capsicle and so old fashioned, but yes continue," Tony smiled.

Steve rolled his eyes but continued, "so I've been thinking and decided that we deserve a vacation and have the right to take one, and we can go wherever you want."

Tony stared at him, eyes wide with shock, "are you joking?" He asked in amazement.

Steve shook his head no.

Tony lunged himself onto Steve and started kissing his face everywhere.

"Really? Oh my fuck. We finally get to take a vacation. Wow. Thank you, honey, I'm so excited. We get to spend a weekend all by ourselves, no kids."

"Babe, there are no kids in the tower," Steve said in confusion.


Steve just nodded.

"So where do you wanna go," Tony asked after a minute of just smiling at each other.

"I said you can choose."

"Oh um... Ok, I have to think, where do I want to go with my wonderful husband?" He wondered out loud.

"Oh, I know!" He exclaimed after a minute, "How about Israel? I've never been there and it seems really nice."

Steve thought for a minute and smiled, "that sounds awesome, babe."

A/N: I don't know if anyone wants a part 2 to this but I'll start writing one anyway. I have a bunch of unfinished drafts of just things that pop into my head randomly.

Stony one-shots (Tony Stark and Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now