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"Arrogance may not be a uniquely American trait, but I must say you do it better than anyone. But there are limits to what even you can do, Captain. Or did Erskine tell you otherwise?"

"He told me you were insane,"

Steve was restrained by two HYDRA soldiers, dozens more surrounding them as Johann Schmidt, the Red Skull, stood before him and berated him. Lottie's plan, so far, was working perfectly.

"Ah. He resented my genius and tried to deny me what was rightfully mine. But he gave you and that woman everything," Red Skull took a step forward, examining Steve close up. "So, what made you so special?"

"Nothing, I'm just a kid from Brooklyn,"

Red Skull lurched forward, his fist colliding with Steve's face before quickly colliding with his gut, bringing Captain America to his knees. Steve looked up at him, panting slightly.

"I can do this all day,"

"Oh, of course you can. Of course. But unfortunately I am on a tight schedule,"

Steve smirked as Red Skull pointed the energy blaster toward him.

"So am I,"

As if on que, the Howling Commandos came flying through the now broken glass windows. Lottie lead the team, tumbling to the ground as she grabbed her gun, shooting down the two men that were holding Steve as the rest of the team shot as well. 

"Steve!" he turned, catching his shield as Lottie threw it to him. She shot him a smile, turning and shooting another soldier in the back. "Go! We'll catch up!"

Steve didn't have to be told twice, taking off from the lab as Lottie and the Howling Commandos finished off what was left of the HYDRA goons in the room.

Lottie ran forward, knocking the last goon over the head with her gun before she swept his feet out from under him before finally shooting him. She popped to her feet, looking to her team who were waiting on her.

"Go! Take out as many soldiers as you can, you need to give Steve a clear shot to Schmidt!"

"What will you do?" Dum Dum Dugan questioned as the rest of the Howling Commandos took off from the room. Lottie reloaded her gun before looking at him.

"I'm going to the control room, I've gotta try and shut the planes down remotely,"

Dugan and Lottie gave one another a nod before they were taking off in opposite directions. Lottie shot down every HYDRA agent that came at her, knocking them all the sides as she came to a crossroads, meeting with Colonel Phillips, Peggy, and their team in the middle.

"You're a little late," Lottie told Peggy, turning down the next hallway as she heard commotion from down the way. Peggy was hot on her heels.

"We're early compared to Stark, I think he just got here,"

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