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The streets outside were chaos

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The streets outside were chaos.

Traffic was at a standstill as people abandoned their cars, taking off down the sidewalks and the roads. Cars that were still moving were crashing into poles, the people stumbling out and taking off before anyone could help them.

Around the corner of the building, the debris could be clearly seen as it flew through the air. Lottie's eyes grew wide as her and Tony stepped down the street together toward the direction the chaos was coming from.

A woman fell to the ground in front of them with a screen. Tony and Lottie were quick to grab her, hoisting her to her feet before she took off down the sidewalk, just as a car crashed into a light-post.

"Wong! Bruce! Help him!" Lottie called out as she moved after Tony. The pair waved her off as they made quick work of helping the man out of the car.

"Friday, what are we looking at?" Tony called out to the AI as he slipped his glasses on. Lottie side stepped out of the way of another man running down the street as Tony turned to look at Strange behind them. "Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc!"

"Might wanna use it," he called back, hitting his arms together as bands of spells formed around his arms.

Lottie pressed herself up against the side of the building, peering around into the chaos. Tony was quick to drag her back as a large sheet of metal went flying past their heads. They moved out into the street together, walking against the giant air current as Strange, Wong, and Bruce followed behind them

"Oh my god," Lottie's voice was quiet, her eyes wide as she stared up at the ginormous, metal, circular ship that was descending onto the street below.

Strange walked forward, conjuring up some type of magic as he pushed it toward the incoming ship, the dust in the air clearing as the wind finally stopped, giving them a chance to fully see what lied ahead of them. The man sent both Lottie and Tony a wink before the group moved forward once again.

A blue beam shot down from the spaceship, retracting and leaving two aliens on the ground below. The one was huge, at least the size of the Hulk, while the other was smaller, but it was his facial features that gave Lottie the chills.

"Hear me, and rejoice," the small alien spoke, his voice echoing down the now abandoned street. "You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to-"

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today!" Tony shot back at the aliens. "You better pack it up and get outta here."

"Stone keeper, does this chattering animal speak for you?"

"Certainly not. I speak for myself," Strange shot back, both him and Wong stepped forward as magical shields appeared on their arms. "But you're trespassing in this city and on this planet."

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