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Tony Stark entered his workshop with the disassembled pieces of the 1974 Stark Expo model in tow

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Tony Stark entered his workshop with the disassembled pieces of the 1974 Stark Expo model in tow. He threw them down onto one of his work station tables next to him before turning and looking for Lottie. The second he turned around, though, he was met with a peculiar sight.

Charlotte Watson was perched on the desk chair where his computer sat, feet thrown up onto the desk as a book sat in her lap. She turned the pages at an alarmingly fast rate, before turning to the computer and typing something in, maneuvering around the piece of technology like she wasn't from the 1940's.

With a raised eyebrow and cautious stance, Tony took a few steps forward and picked up one of the many books that laid scattered on the floor around her, flipping to the front cover: Introductory to Quantum Physics and Relativity. With a shake of his head, Tony picked up another book lying close to where he stood: The Art of Programming.

"I'm sorry, did I just enter a parallel universe or are you on my computer?"

Lottie looked up from her book to Tony, closing the cover as she placed it on the desk, while simultaneously moving her feet from atop it.

"I asked Jarvis for something to do. He taught me how to use the internet, it's very helpful. Then he told me where you kept a lot of your old college books,"

"You read all of this?" Tony gestured to the books that surrounded him on the floor, and Lottie gave a nod of her head.

"And quite a few articles on different websites online. I think I know everything there is to know about science now. Even read quite a lot of articles from the last year or so, you've had quite the journey since making that first suit. This Vanko guys seems like a real-"

"That's impossible," Tony mumbled, cutting her rambling off while shaking his head as he came and stood in front of the woman before him. "I was only gone for an hour."

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Lottie looked down to her hands. She played with her fingers, biting her lip as she tried to think of something to sat. She finally just pointed to head head, making Tony even more confused.

"Your head?"

"You know what your father and Erksine were able to do," Lottie explained, looking up at Tony as he crossed his arms over his chest and listened. "We didn't know the full extent back then, but they knew I was a genius. I learned chemistry in under an hour during training, could defuse a bomb in less than thirty seconds without having read the manual. Once I started reading one of these, realized how quickly I could do so, I just kept going. I don't want to sit back and watch you go through this alone. I know I need to ease myself in, but I just can't. I have the ability to adapt, to learn on the fly, and I'm using it. This might not be my world, but it is now, and I won't sit by until someone tells me what to do."

Lottie and Tony only stared at one another for a second, until Tony finally clapped his hands.

"Alright, let's see how smart you really are. Help me get this  model put together,"

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