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"So, you've experienced this sort of thing before?"

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"So, you've experienced this sort of thing before?"

"You get used to it,"

Charlotte Watson stood beside Nick Fury in the D.C. graveyard, looking down on the grave dedicated to the man. She turned around, seeing both Steve and Sam approaching the two, before turning back to Fury.

"I'm assuming you saw the file, when you dumped everything," Fury spoke, looking down at the girl. She took out her phone, pulling up the picture of her mother that sat in the file and showed it to him. "Have you read it?"

"Yeah, it was just this picture,"

"That's because she requested we keep everything off file, that only a select few people would ever know," Fury looked down at Lottie for a moment before speaking. "Dorothy Watson was a secret founding member of SHIELD."

Lottie's eyes widened as she looked at the man before her.

"She what?"

"It took a toll on her, your death. Losing you without ever getting to know if you forgave her or not. She found Phillips, Stark, and Carter and helped create the idea of SHIELD. She spent the rest of her life honoring the work you did with yours," Lottie looked down to her feet, a small smile crossing her lips. "She loved you more than you will ever know."

"I know she did," she looked back up at Nick, a small smile resting on her lips. "Thank you, Nick."

The man nodded, giving her a smile as well before Steve and Sam finally joined them.

"We've been data-mining HYDRA's files. Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship. I'm headed to Europe tonight, wanted to ask if you'd come," Fury told Steve and Lottie. The pair shared a look before shaking their heads.

"There's something we gotta do first,"

Fury nodded, turning to look at Sam instead.

"How about you, Wilson? Could use a man with your abilities,"

"I'm more of a soldier than a spy,"

Fury looked between the three before nodding once again, beginning to walk away.

"Alright then. Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here,"

Lottie let out a small laugh as Fury walked away, Natasha taking his place as she watched him go.

"You should be honored," she joked, looking between the three in from of her. "That's about as close as he gets to saying thank you."

"Not going with him?" Lottie asked her friend, who shrugged.

"We blew all my covers. I gotta go make a new one now," Natasha pulled a file out from under her jacket, handing it to Steve. "The favor you two asked for? I called in a few favors from Kiev. Just do me a favor?"

"What is it?" Steve asked, both him and Lottie looking down at the file in his hands. They knew what awaited them underneath.

"Don't get engaged without me,"

Lottie let out a loud laugh, letting Steve pull Natasha into a hug before she pulled her into one herself.

"I promise we won't. Don't be a stranger,"

"I never can with you,"

The soldiers watched her walk away for a moment, before turning their attention back to the file. They shared a look before opening it, coming face to face with Bucky Barnes. Lottie frowned as she looked at the photo of Bucky frozen in ice.

"You're going after him," Sam spoke, walking up beside the two. Steve nodded, an arm snaking around Lottie's waist as they looked down at the photo of their best friend.

"You don't have to come with us,"

"I know," Sam spoke, nodding his head for a moment. "When do we start?"

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How'd you like that twist? That Lottie's mother was actually a secret founder of SHIELD? I threw that in there to set up some stuff in the future, you'll see!

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