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Charlotte Watson couldn't help but smile as she watched Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow meet for the first time on the screen before her. After all these years of watching the show, she still had to admit that it was weird watching Emilia Clarke on the screen, the two sharing such a similar face and voice.

The woman reached into the popcorn bowl beside her, grabbing yet another piece and shoveling it into her mouth. She frowned as she looked at the empty space beside her. Normally, Tony would be sat directly next to her, cracking inappropriate jokes during some of the most intense scenes. But no, he had to jet off to India for 'business' and leave her alone at the compound.

Lottie's frown deepened at that word: alone. It caused her to look down at the shining diamond ring that still sat on her finger, that would always sit on her finger. She never used to feel alone, not since she woke up from the ice and found this family of people. Now, all she ever seemed to feel was alone.

With the familiar sound of her cell phone ringing on the table, Lottie moved her feet from off the top of the coffee table and quickly grabbed her cellphone, sliding the call to answer.


"Oh, Miss Watson, you answered! I mean, not that you don't answer, because you always do, but I wasn't expecting you to for some reason. It's probably stupid..."

Lottie could control the dumb grin that broke out on her lips as the sound of Peter Parker's voice on the other end. It was a sound that never failed to make her smile, and that was something she needed a lot of in the last few months.

"Pete, just slow down and take a deep breath," Lottie chuckled, moving to her feet as she walked into the kitchen. "Also, how many times have I told you to call me Lottie?"

"Um, a lot?"

"Yes, quite a lot," another chuckle ran through her as she poured herself another glass of water, show completely forgotten about. "Now what's up?"

"I just...wanted to give my report for tonight. Happy didn't answer so I left him a voicemail so I thought I'd call you. But I totally understand if you're busy and don't want to-"

"Peter," Lottie interjected the rambling boy. "Take a deep breath, it's just me. You do this every time. Now, tell me about patrol."

"Well, there was this old Dominican lady that got lost so I helped her. She bought me a churro afterwards, so that was cool..."

Lottie frowned as she heard the boy trail off, taking a sip of her drink as she leaned against the island counter. 

"You can tell me what's on your mind, Pete. You know that,"

"I just feel like I can be doing something more," Peter finally said, the sound of the busy New York streets in the background echoing through the speaker. "I'm ready for more, ready to do more and help fight. I just wanna know when the next real mission is, you know?"

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