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Charlotte Watson sat at the little black cafe table, the familiar disguise of the ball-cap and sunglasses resting on her head as she took a gentle sip of her coffee

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Charlotte Watson sat at the little black cafe table, the familiar disguise of the ball-cap and sunglasses resting on her head as she took a gentle sip of her coffee. She didn't need to wear a disguise because of the Accords, technically she had signed them now. She didn't think it would be safe if anyone saw Peter talking to one of America's oldest soldiers, not when no one knew his secret identity.

The chime of the bell on the door rung. Lottie peered around the wall that her table was hidden behind, a small smile crossing her lips as she saw Peter Parker enter the shop, gripping his backpack over his shoulder. Lottie waved him over, a nervous grin overtaking his face as he rushed back, sliding into the chair opposite of her.

"Um, hi Miss W- I mean Lottie!"

"Hi Pete," the woman chuckled, pushing the coffee and pastry she had ordered toward him. "I got you two of my favorites when you said you'd never been here. This Greek cafe is quite known for their pastries."

"Thank you," he told her sincerely, dropping his bag at his feet as he grabbed his coffee, eyes darting around the mainly empty cafe. "I'm not trying to be rude, but are you sure it's safe to have a talk like...this in a public place?"

"Steve and I used to come here quite a lot," Lottie told him, a fond but sad smile crossing her lips as she took a sip of her drink. "It's not usually busy right after school let's out, that's why I suggested it. Plus, I know the owner. She made sure to reserve this table in the back for us. But I'm pretty sure we're here to talk about you."

Peter sighed, taking a sip of his drink as he ripped off a piece of his pastry, popping it in his mouth. Lottie watched as he placed his hands back in his lap right after, and she could see him fidgeting from the nerves.

"I just feel like Mr. Stark doesn't understand that I'm ready," Peter finally told her, looking up at her. "I know you guys have done some stuff that the UN has assigned you to, but why doesn't he ever call me in? He came to me for the fight in Berlin, he knows I can handle myself."

"Tony isn't the easiest person in the world, and he gets that from his dad," Lottie joked, bringing a chuckle out of the young boy before her. "Of all the mentors you could end up with, you got a pretty good one in Tony. Even if he pawns you off to Happy and I a lot.  Tony's been doing this for awhile, he's seen what this life can do to a person. All he's trying to do is protect you."

"But I can protect myself," Peter argued back, leaning back with a defeated sigh. "He just won't give me the chance to show him. I'm ready for me, I'm ready to be a full blown Avenger."

Lottie observed him for a moment. The way he wouldn't meet her eyes, the defeated look in them. She took one more sip of her drink before leaning back in her seat.

"What do you know about my story, hm? About the story of Slate?"

Peter shrugged.

"You were recruited during the war like Captain America. Project Athena made you a super genius and now you're literally one of the smartest people on earth,"

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