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"Charlotte? Charlotte, come on, we must get up,"

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"Charlotte? Charlotte, come on, we must get up,"

A cough sputtered out of the soldier's mouth, her eyes opening in a squint. Her back felt as it it was on fire as she hit her bracelet, the helmet around her head dissipating as she looked around at the fiery wreckage around her.

Thor reached out for her, grasping onto her forearm as he tugged her up into a standing position. Lottie grit her teeth together as she leaned against the God once she was on her feet, wincing in pain as she looked around at where they were.

"How far below are we?" Lottie asked Thor, who only shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't think we are, I think we're higher up. You might want to come see this,"

Lottie followed behind Thor through the pathway he had forged through the rubble of what was left of the Avengers Compound.

There was an opening to the outside just at the end of the pathway, a large piece of the floor sticking out to allow them to see out into the wreckage of the front lawn of the compound.

Dust floated through the air, debris scattered everywhere as multiple piles burned from the missiles launched at them. The ground was charred, the air turning a dark color from the amount of dust and smoke floating around thought it.

Thor came to stop on the ledge, pointing out into the field. Lottie maneuvered her way beside him, following his finger out into the field.

Thanos sat in the middle, staring out into the debris. He didn't move, only stared out into the field. Lottie quickly pieced together that this was not their Thanos, as he was dead, this was a Thanos from the past. Either Nebula had turned on them, or it wasn't their Nebula that had done this. It became quickly clear what exactly was happening though.

He was waiting.

"This is what I saw..." Lottie trailed off as her eyes never left the mad titan before them.

"Did we win?"

"Unfortunately, I didn't get that far," Lottie tore her eyes away from the titan to look at her friend. "The rest of the team?"

"Somewhere below the wreckage,"

In another section of the debris, not far from the opening that Lottie and Thor were standing at, Tony Stark was frantically searching for Steve Rogers.

His helmet was pulled back into his suit as he searched the area, Steve's brand new shield resting on his arm as he stepped through the wreckage, turning a corner to finally find the man he was looking for.

Steve Rogers laid on his back, unmoving with dust and blood coating his face. Tony quickly kicked him in the side, scared for a moment that his best friend had lost someone else near and dear to her.

"Come on, buddy, get up," Tony let out a sigh of relief to see Steve Rogers spring to life. He kneeled beside his friend, showing off the shield to him. "You lose this again, I'm keeping it."

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