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Standing on the opposite side of the room from Tony, Charlotte Watson was inspecting the newly modified arc reactor that sat before her

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Standing on the opposite side of the room from Tony, Charlotte Watson was inspecting the newly modified arc reactor that sat before her. It was strange to her, knowing that this was going into Tony's chest and was the very thing that was keeping him alive.

She swiped through the diagnostics next to the reactor, trying to learn as much about it as she possibly could. Though she could read all she wanted about certain subjects, she lacked one thing that Tony would always beat her on: experience. She could learn from readings, but Tony would always have the upper hand from simply doing it.

"Dummy, You, can we clean up this mess? You're killing me."

Lottie let out a small giggled, looking over to Tony with a small smile as she watched him speak to his helping bot that he named Dummy. He was so much like Howard at times that it actually hurt.

"Incoming call with a blocked number sir,"

"Guess phone privileges are back online," Lottie called out to Tony, gaining a hum back in response as he sat at his computer desk, answering the call.

"I know, it's nice. Coulson, how's the land of enchantment?"

"Hey, Tony, how you doing? I double cycle,"

Something about the voice, the deep Russian accent, made Lottie shiver. She turned to Tony, their eyes locked as he mouthed one word to her: Ivan.

"What?" Tony questioned the man on the other end, now standing at his desk. Lottie cautiously moved closer, standing just a few feet to Tony's left.

"You told me double cycle's more power. Good advice,"

"You sound pretty sprightly for a dead guy,"

"You too,"

Lottie and Tony exchanged another glance before Tony leaned forward, quickly hitting the mute button on their end of the speakers.

"Jarvis, trace him,"


"Jarvis, do it," Lottie told the AI, watching over Tony's shoulder as the his computer system began to track the call from Ivan's end.

"Now, the true history of Stark name will be written,"

Tony was mumbling to himself, pressing multiple functions on the screen while waiting for Jarvis to complete the trace.

"Accessing the Oracle grid. Eastern Seaboard,"

The trace finally centered on New York, and Lottie slowly pieced everything together. From what she read and knew, Ivan seemed to be out for revenge against the Stark's because of what Howard had done to his father. There was no better time to hit New York then right now if you wanted to hurt the Stark.

"The Expo," Lottie told Tony as he looked up at her. "You said the Expo is happening right now. He's going to hit you at the Expo."

"What your father did to my family for over 40 years," Ivan's voice cut off their small brainstorming session. "I will do to you in 40 minutes."

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