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The bots attacked, the Avengers standing around the core in a protective circle as the bots converged on top of them

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The bots attacked, the Avengers standing around the core in a protective circle as the bots converged on top of them.

Vision and Tony were in the air, taking down any bots that tried to use the walls to their advantage and come down over top of the team. Clint's bows were flying through the air while Pietro zipped around the area, knocking down as many as he could.

Wanda stood protectively over the core, using her power to fend off any bots that got just a little too close, all while Thor took down the bots with his hammer.

Lottie and Steve stood side by side, fending off the attacks with their shields as Lottie blasted away an bots that got too close to Natasha beside her. Steve flipped in the air, knocking down a bot with his heel. Lottie flipped over his back, cutting through a bot with her shield.

Ultron was finally knocked outside as the bots finally stopped attacking. Lottie climbed her way through the rubble, watching as Tony, Vision, and Thor each used their power to subdue Ultron, until he finally fell to the ground, the metal of his body beginning to melt away.

"You know, with the benefit of hindsight-"

Hulk ran forward, his fist colliding with Ultron as it blasted him backwards into the city. He turned to the last remaining bots who fled, Hulk taking off after them.

"They'll try to leave the city," Thor told them.

"We can't let 'em, not even one," Tony said, calling out for his best friend over the comms. "Rhodey!"

"Already on it,"

"We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin," Steve told the rest of the team as the others flew out to deal with the rogue bots. He turned to Natasha and Clint. "You guys get to the boats, Lottie and I will sweep for stragglers, we'll be right behind you."

"What about the core?" Clint questioned.

"I'll protect it," Wanda told the team, walking forward. Her eyes met Lottie's as she gave the woman a small smile. "It's my job."

Lottie smiled back at the girl, giving her a nod of the head before her and Steve were out the door and back into the heart of Sokovia to ensure they had gathered all the civilians.

The streets of Sokovia were clear as Lottie and Steve manuvered their way back to the edge of the city, where the last of the people were still being loaded onto the lifeboats and brought out to the hellicarrier.

Thor was kneeling on the ground just beyond the edge as Lottie and Steve approached him.

"Is this the last of them?"

"Yes, everyone else is already on the carrier," Lottie told him as they looked around at the remaining civilians getting into the lifeboats.

"You know, if this works, we maybe don't walk away," Tony's voice rang through the comms as the trio sighed.

"Maybe not,"

The sound of bullets filled their ears as they looked up, seeing a rouge jet flying toward them as it sprayed bullets all over the ground. Thor dove to the side as Steve wrapped his arm around Lottie, tugging her under the cover of debris while he held his shield above them, protecting them from the barrage of bullets above.

As the dust settled, Lottie caught sight of Clint down the way, leaning over a body on the ground. She grabbed onto Steve, quickly tugging him toward the pair. Her breath left her body when they arrived, seeing it was Pietro's bullet ridden body lying on the ground below them.

Wordlessly, Steve and Lottie grabbed onto Pietro's body, carrying it toward the lifeboats. Clint grabbed onto the little boy he had been protecting, walking behind them as well.

With his body placed on the lifeboat and Clint resting beside him, the soldiers took one last step onto Sokovian soil to make sure no one had been missed. Looking around at the bare city, Lottie's felt her senses go haywire as the felt the ground rumble before dropping from below them.

Steve acted quickly, grabbing onto the side of the lifeboat as his hand found Lottie's waist, tugging her into his side as they hung from the lifeboat, watching as the city plummeted to the ground below. 

Pulling themselves back up onto the top deck of the lifeboat, Lottie looked down over the side as she watched Tony and Thor enact the plan, Sokovia shattering to pieces in the air. 

Lottie watched on edge, waiting to see her teammates, but they never showed. Steve grabbed her shoulder, trying to tug her back, but she wasn't having any of it. Her hand pressed onto her earpiece as she tried to keep from crying.


There was only radio silence as Lottie let a tear slip, Steve tugging her back into his chest as he held her while she cried.

"Wanda! Thor! Tony, please don't be-"

"We're alright, Khalessi," Tony spoke back finally, the woman letting out a relieved sob. "Vision has Wanda and Thor is okay. We're okay."

Steve and Lottie fell back into one another as the lifeboat parked itself inside of the hellicarrier, the pair closing their eyes as they took a second to breath.

They won.

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Not my best chapter but it felt too long to put this in the other one so that's why this one is just a little bit short

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Not my best chapter but it felt too long to put this in the other one so that's why this one is just a little bit short. Next chapter will be short as well, and IT'S THE FINAL CHAPTER OF PART FOUR OH MY GOD THAT MEANS IT'S ALMOST TIME FOR CIVIL WAR PEOPLE I MIGHT CRY!!!!

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