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"Mrs. Rogers? I could really use your help out here"

Charlotte Rogers looked up from the paperwork on her desk, giving the young girl standing in the doorway of the office a small smile. 

"Give me one second, I'll meet you out there Claire,"

Placing her clipboard down on the desk, Lottie pulled her hair up into a ponytail before she left the office, moving back out into the main section of the humane animal rescue building.

Claire, the young girl of only eighteen was standing in the front room with two dogs on leashes in front of her. Lottie took a deep breath as she approached, giving the two pups a pet real quick before looking up at the young girl once again.

"I know you want to help them all, but I told you we don't have the space for anymore,"

"Nancy called and I couldn't say no," she told Lottie sheepishly, referring to the sixty year old woman that volunteered with them. "She was out today and found more that got...left behind. Just had a litter of puppies, she wasn't even sure what they were surviving off of."

Lottie sighed, looking down at the pleading and tired eyes of the two pups at her feet, assuming this was the mom and dad of that litter of puppies.

A beep from her phone in her back pocket paused the conversation as Charlotte took it out, looking down at the notification: MEETING AT 3:30, COMPOUND.

"Alright, just get them set up in whatever space you can find," Lottie finally told the young woman as she grabbed her jacket that hung near the front of the door. "I need to go. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me or Nancy."

"Thank you, Mrs. Rogers!"

Driving down the roads of New York City used to bring a smile to Lottie's face. It was her home, after all. But now...everything was different.

The world in itself was dark. Five years later and abandoned cars and boats littered the streets and the ports of the city.

Five years later and still, no one knew how to go on living. They threw themselves into different activities, such as helping at the local animal shelter, just to feel some semblance of normalcy.

Pulling into the Avengers Compound was one of the only things that made Lottie feel like her life was truly back to normal.

Throwing both her car keys and her jacket onto the entry way table, Lottie made her way through the compound toward the familiar conference room, pulling open the door to see Natasha sitting at the desk. Her long red to blonde hair fell around her shoulders as she made herself a sandwich, she looked up at Lottie with a smile.

"You're late," Lottie rolled her eyes, throwing a middle finger at the hologram of Carol Danvers, who only laughed in response. Lottie sat down in a seat beside Natasha, making her own sandwich as the hologram of Rocket rolled his eyes.

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