(10) Is it you?

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Austin - I couldn't believe what I saw... My GIRLFRIEND... I mean ex girlfriend was dead. She is gone.. GONE  FOREVER. But how did Alicia have time to do it? She was with me all that time? If I was in school I would have noticed that Brittany wasn't there.. was she? Alicia had to kill her early. We broke up a few days ago. It isn't time to be thinking about this,  I need to hide this body before someone thinks I did it. I grabbed the bag and dragged it to the back of the house. I put it in the basement and ran out of the house until I heard banging sound. It kept going and going. I turned around, I saw I door shaking... I ran to the door I tried to open it but it was locked. So I grabbed the hammer I saw on the table. What was a hammer doing on the table? anyway I kept hitting the door knob until it finally opened I couldn't believe what I saw... My Mother! She had tape on her mouth and her hands were stuck together. She was crying and I hated seeing her like this. I took the tape off and got the stuff off her hands. She was shaking so much that she couldn't move. You could see her eyes that she was happy to see me. I picked her up and ran out the back door... something caught my eye while I was running... The house was empty. It was nothing here... then where did the baby stuff come from that Alicia had? So many questions in my head and little time. I ran out the house with my mom and ran to my house. When I got in the house I looked back to make sure no one saw me. Then I sat my mom on the couch, she was still shaking and crying. I got a cover for her and the first aid. And took care of the scars. I'm gonna know who did this to her. And once I do that's it. I'm going to get revenge..

Natalie - It was 11pm and I was still up. I couldn't sleep. My mind was telling me to call Austin but my heart was telling me not too. "Remember natalie you told him not to call you or text you." I told myself. I truth is I wanted him to call, I wanted him to tell me that he was sorry and that he wants to fix things. He hasn't called me since I left. I guess this really means its over, for good.

*next day*

It was another day of school. I was at lunch sitting all alone. The lunch here is way better than my old school. I was relaxing until I looked down noticed there was a note next to my food. Weird because it was here a few minutes ago. I opened it and it was from an anonymous person. 

"you need to stay away from jake, he isn't anything but trouble. If you don't leave now you will never be able too"  

I was so scared. Who sent me this?!?! if it was from Brenda it would have said Brenda right??? I saw her coming my way so I stuffed the note in my pocket. Is it time for me to sit down and talk to her without her getting smart or talking bad about jake?

Brenda - "Hey girlie"

Natalie - 'Hey"

Brenda - "Have you heard?"

Natalie - "Heard what?"

Brenda - "Jake's Aunt was rushed to the hospital last night. She had food poison."

Natalie - "Oh i'm so sorry to hear that." I said sincerely.

Brenda - "That's why jake isn't here..."

But when I turned around Jake was walking my way and he looked happy as a clam... what is going on?

Natalie - "oh hey jake." When I turned around back to Brenda she wasn't there... I looked around the lunch room she was no where to be found...

Austin Mahone Love Story. Love from an angel.Where stories live. Discover now