Its over.

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Dear Daddy,

...oh daddy how could you? I thought you loved me... now look at you... GONE forever. Mommy has found someone new. You thought me and Austy wouldn't figure it out... well you had that all wrong. You killing people? how could you. You hated me that much that you put me through all this hell??? Karma is a bitch right? well...I have to tell you something... Its been 4 years since it all came out. Mommy is happier without you...and guess what? mom is remarrying... and i'm 20 now and i'm engaged... too bad you won't be there to see my wedding. Austy is so amazing, He was always there for me. Through all the hell you put me through... oh and i'm pregnant... that's right. Too bad you will never be able to meet your grandson... I wish I felt sorry for you but I DON'T. So long father... this will be the last you ever here from your daughter. Enjoy life in prison. xoxo - 

well... this ended very weird haha but this is my last story ever<3 THANK YOU ALL FOR READING MY STORIES<3 REALLY MEANS ALOT!!!<3 - xoxo mahomiesww(: P.S. I know this story sucked lol

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