Bleeding Roses

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Chapter Five

Bleeding Roses

"I got you roses, baby!" Minho calls, walking through the front door. He hears a small squeal and then soft pads across the floor.

"Oh my god, Minho, they're so beautiful!" He says smelling them.

"I picked them from Felix's garden." He shrugs. Felix was quite mad about it, but let is slide after Minho said it was for Jisung.

"Even better!" Jisung squeals. He waddles into the kitchen and puts them into a vase with water.

"Did you do anything while I was gone?" Minho asks, wrapping his arms around Jisung's waist from behind. He rests his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes.

"Yeah, I've been painting something." Jisung whispers, letting his head fall back when Minho begins kissing his neck softly.

"Oh you were?" Minho whispers, leaving a shiver down Jisung's spine.

"Mhm." Jisung hums. "Wanna see?" He asks. Minho nods and let's Jisung lead him to where he paints. He's a very good artist, anyone could tell he is. Chan had been teaching him since high school.

"Here." Jisung says, pointing at the canvas.

On the canvas are red and black roses, that look to be bleeding. "It's beautiful, Jisung. You're so good at art." Minho complements.

Jisung blushes, looking over at his painting. "Thank you."

"Of course baby. It looks amazing, are you going to sell this one too?" Minho asks.

"I'm thinking about it." Jisung says, closing his eyes as he feels Minho's arms wrap around him.

"Oh? I'm sure someone would love to buy it." Minho says. Jisung hums.


"Wanna go lye down and cuddle?" Minho asks. Jisung nods but doesn't move. "Do I need to pick you up?" Jisung nods again, causing Minho to laugh.

"Okay, you big baby." Jisung turns around, and Minho lifts him up, holding him by the waist. Jisung's legs wrap around his waist and he puts his head in the crook of Minho's neck.

"You smell good, Minnie." Jisung states, inhaling Minho's scent.

"Do I? I didn't even put cologne on, since I was dancing." He says. Jisung nods, his nose brushing against Minho's skin, causing him to giggle.

"You're absolutely adorable, Jisung." Minho says, setting him on the bed. Jisung wines, not having the warm comfort oh Minho wrapping around him. "And a complete baby." He chuckles.

"Let me go change real quick." Minho says and goes to the closet to change.

When he comes out, Jisung is already asleep on the bed. "Fuck, he's too cute for me." He sighs and crawls in beside him hugging Jisung to his chest.

"I love you Jisung."

"I love you too, Minho."


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