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•Chapter Twenty Four•

Seungmin and Hyunjin walk down the boardwalk of the beach they were currently staying at. The sun is setting, creating a pinkish purple hue across the sky line and Seungmin quietly hums "How Far I'll Go" from the movie Moana which causes Hyunjin to giggle.

"You're so cute." Hyunjin sighs holding Seungmins hand, bringing it up to his lips and presses a kiss against the top.

Seungmin watches Hyunjin lovingly, a small smile playing at his lips. Stopping at the end of the boardwalk, Hyunjin stares into Seungmins eyes, the sunset reflecting off of the dark brown crescents. His smile giving off a goofy vibe, one that Hyunjin has-and always will- love.

"You're so beautiful." Hyunjin says, shaking his head as he examines Seungmins face his lips in a somewhat frown.

"Says you, mister model." Seungmin giggles causing Hyunjin to smile once again. They take a seat on one of the benches. Seungmin lets his head fall onto Hyunjins shoulder and their hands interlock slowly.

"Look, fireflies." Hyunjin whispers, turning his head ever so slightly to watch Seungmins' eyes light up at the little lightning bugs.

"Their so pretty." He sighs, a content smile on his face.

"Not as pretty as you." Hyunjin winks and Seungmin laughs.

"You're a big goofball."

The silence wraps around them, though in a comfortable way. The words spoken stays in the air, running through their minds unknowingly.

"What would you think about moving? Like, out here and stuff." Seungmin asks breaking the silence looking over at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin hums, thinking for a moment. "I wouldn't mind it, to be honest. But, you know why we can't." He sighs and looks over at the ocean.

"Yeah I know.. I didn't mean like now, or anytime soon, but like in the future or something." Seungmin looks down at their hands a smile slipping onto his face.

"I would love to do that, Minnie." Hyunjin takes his free hand and lifts Seungmins head to look at him and presses their lips together for a short second.

It's short and sweet, filled with love, not lust, and it sent a shivers through both their bodies, a pleasurable feeling, better than sex.

"You know how much I love you?" Hyunjin giggles, he releases his hold on Seungmins hand so he can use it to cup his cheeks, squishing them and pecking his lips.

"I think I might." Seungmin giggles in response to the kisses.

"Good." Hyunjin sighs, a content loving smile on his face.

Finished: 3:24 PM September 2


[sorry if this sucks]

[song suggestion: version of love by will jay]

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