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Hello dear uwuzins/readers!

As you can tell, you read the author notes, this story is supposed to be updated every other Wednesday meaning next Wednesday will be the update, but I haven't had time to write because I'm over at my aunt and forgot to bring my laptop.

I also don't feel like I have motivation to write this story at the moment. I have so much going on at home and I'm planning on moving into my aunts house. Not only so I can be closer to one of my cousins but so I can get away from the toxic environment I'm in.

Another reason for my wanting on this hiatus is my thoughts and depression. I haven't been too okay with myself or anything lately.

My thoughts have gotten suicidal at times and I constantly feel the need to die.

I'm sorry for this notice, but I hope you understand.

I'll update the story when it's off hiatus.

Thank you lovely's



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