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Hello is me! Your author!

I feel like I need to clarify some stuff that happened a while ago in the story, with Jinyoung.

As you know Jinyoung didn't go to jail or anything, and I know some where like upset or just genuinely confused as to why he didn't but I'm here to clarify that for you.

Jinyoung was someone Jisung knew as a kid, and even if he was really mean to him Jisung didn't want to hurt the dude by sending him to prison and ruining his whole life.

I was in a position like Jisung before, my dad and mom were both overalls abusive for about 14 years of my life(I turned 15 yesterday) my dad fixed himself around January of this year but there were times where my ex or my cousin would tell me to just call the cops, bc it was bad. I had bruises and cuts, it wasn't my brothers being hurt it was just me and I didn't know why but at times I felt I probably deserved it, so I let it continue for awhile.
But the reason I never called the cops was bc I did care about them both, as much as they hurt me I still cared.

So it's like Jisung, he cares about Jinyoung despite how much pain he had caused him, so he doesn't want to ruin anything. Which he had told Minho, and Minho didn't want Jinyoung to get away with it but he also didn't want To go against Jisung and do what he Pleased.

I really hope this cleared some stuff up if anyways was confused!

Thank you guys for reading this story it means so much to meeee!!!

I'll update as soon as I can, things have been busy, I'm about to move in a few days and then imma be going to a public school and stuff and aH so much stuff hehe

I love y'all mwah <3

Fishnet-MinsungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz