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Pre serum Steve

Summary: Bucky doesn't think Steve is able to defend himself so he has his friends keep an eye on him when he's out.

It was getting late, but Steve wasn't home yet, which had Bucky worrying very much. To the point where he asked some of his friends to follow him to make sure he's okay. Since he wasn't the strongest person Bucky knew, he just wanted to keep him safe. Though, he couldn't tell Steve that because he knows he'll tell him he can take care of himself.

So as Steve was walking down the sidewalk he couldn't help, but feel like someone was watching him. He looked back and did see someone. At first he didn't think much of it, but after he walked around a couple blocks to see if he really was following him. He was.

Steve went into an alley to hide in the dark to get away from the creeper. He did in fact lose him, but another problem grew. As he was leaving he heard a voice come from behind him.

"What's a guy like you doing out late at night?" Steve turned, but only saw a black shadow walking to him. He started walking faster towards the street hoping the stranger will leave him alone.

But sadly, he didn't make it to the street in time. He felt a hand around his wrist and pull him down on the ground. He landed straight on his back, knocking the wind out of him. As he tried to recollect his breath he saw the guy start to unbuckle his belt. The only thing he could do was scoot backwards as much as he could until he caught his breath again.

Once he did, he stood back up and started to run once more. The guy grabbed his leg and pulled it, causing Steve's face to collide into the concrete. He laid there on his stomach trying to cope with the pounding headache that was forming, but the man was still there. He felt his hands on his pants, but Steve quickly turned over and kicked him in his groin.

Causing him to stumble back, he made a run for it. But of course, the guy had to catch up with him. Again. This time punching him straight in the face. But Steve wasn't going down without a fight. He continued to run out onto the street and that's when the guy disappeared.

The small man bent over trying to catch his breath, he felt a wet substance on his nose and his head from when he hit the ground, knowing it was blood. He fixed his pants and started to walk home again as if nothing happened.

"Hey you alright?" He heard another voice and a hand on his shoulder. Still being uneasy he let out a scream while flinching. "Are you following me? I-I saw you on the other street."

"No...., I'm Buckys friend. I'm Mason." Steve was still confused and dizzy from what happened so it took a while for him to comprehend everything. "Look, he doesn't like you out by yourself so he had me follow you just so nothing happened to you."

Steve furrowed his eyebrows in anger. Bucky knew that he was perfectly capable of being out by himself.

"He's on his way." That made Steve roll his eyes. "He's not my babysitter. I'm fine walking home by myself." He says and turned to start walking home.

"I know he's not your babysitter, but he is your boyfriend and he loves you a lot Steve. He only wants to keep you safe." He stopped in his tracks and walked back to the guy knowing he was right. That's when he saw Bucky's car.

"Steve are you okay?" Bucky asked coming up to him. "I'm fine." He responded dryly and entered the car. Bucky mumbled a 'thank you' to his friend while getting in his car too.

"Look Steve, I just want to know you're safe." Bucky placed his hand over Steve's. "I know that Buck, but I can't go out anywhere without you doing something like that. You need to stop. Please." Bucky sighed, but nodded while kissing Steve's hand. 5 more minutes passed and they were home.

Bucky brought his boyfriend upstairs in their bathroom to clean up all the dirt and blood that had almost all the way dried.

"Tell me what happened baby." Bucky spoke while he had Steve sit on their toilet.

"I was walking and saw that your friend was following me, so I tried to get away from him and I hid in an alley. That's when I saw him." He explained. "Is he the one that did this?" Bucky asked, implying to his face. Steve nodded and continued. "I tried to get away, but he pulled me down on the floor and..." He trailed off. "Please tell me he didn't baby."

"He didn't, thankfully. When he was unbuckling his belt I kicked his crotch and ran. He grabbed and pulled my leg. That's how I got that." Steve pointed to the cut on his forehead. "And when I started to run to the street he grabbed me and punched me. I slipped away and ran out onto the street and that's where I met your friend."

After Bucky was finishing up, they went to their room so they could change and go to bed.

"I was afraid of something like this happening." Bucky sighed as they both laid in bed. "I know Buck, but I defended myself, it's over. I'm okay." Steve smiled assuringly at his boyfriend. He then received a kiss from the older man. "I love you." Bucky spoke, wrapping a protective arm around the smaller man. "I love you too."

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