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Summary: Bucky wants out of his life

Bucky never really had the best life at home, it wasn't the ideal situation you'd want to live in. His dad was an infamous drug dealer who made him get into that life as well. He's never been able to escape from it since. Every time he's tried leaving, his dad sends someone to find him and torture him. It's been going on as early as when he turned 13. Bucky has always been abused by his dad, whenever he'd disobey his orders or try leaving. Now, he's been too afraid to leave. To the point where he's given up on trying to escape.

Then he met Steve.

Steve gave him hope again. To try and get out of that life his father dragged him into. He saw a future with Steve, that's what made him to keep trying for a better life. So far, none of them have been successful. But every time he's gotten hurt, Bucky would crash at Steve's place. At first, he'd play it off and act like nothing was wrong, until one day Steve saw Bucky changing his shirt. He saw huge bruises all over his torso and back.

From then on he would constantly ask about how Bucky got those bruises. And each time Bucky would have to lie, in fear of his father coming for him. He hated that he had to lie to the man he loved, but Steve couldn't get involved. Bucky knew then, he had to protect Steve at all costs. Even if that meant not getting the life he wanted with Steve.

One day, Bucky's father had him come over to their hide out to make sure all the drugs were accounted for. That was also the day he grew enough courage to try to leave. Again. Once he got there his father instantly greeted him, as he always did.

"Dad. I can't keep doing this. I can't be in this life anymore. This isn't me." His father looked at him with a straight face. "You're not trying to leave. Again. Are you?" Bucky nodded,"I am. This time for good." Then he turned and started to walk out.

He felt good about himself, finally standing up to his father. He's been waiting for that moment forever. However, he knew it shouldn't have been that easy. Bucky felt 2 strong hands grab him by the shoulders and pull him back to where he previously was.

"You know son, I thought time after time you'd learn your lesson and stop trying to fight this life I've gave you. But seems to me you never will learn." His father swung his fist across Bucky's jaw. He kept swinging and swinging until Bucky couldn't even hold his own head up. His head was just hanging down, lifeless and bloody. His father gripped his jaw and gave it a tight squeeze sending pain throughout his jaw. "Maybe this will be your last time trying to leave."

His fathers helpers let Bucky go, which caused him to fall on the floor lifeless, laying in his own pool of blood. With the sliver of strength he had, he got himself up and walked himself to Steve's house.

Yes, he indeed walk. Looking like something from The Walking Dead.

Bucky knew he couldn't lie to Steve anymore. He knew the truth was going to come out. The only thing he was afraid of was losing Steve. Once he knows what actually happens to Bucky, he might just lose him for good.

He waited at his front door after knocking a couple of times with his head hung low. When the door swung open he couldn't bring himself to lift his head so Steve could see him like this. "Bucky?"

Slowly his rose his head earning a gasp from his boyfriend. "Oh my god."

Steve cleaned him up to the best of his ability. On the bright side the bleeding stopped, but on the not so bright side he had so many bruises on his face he was barely recognizable.

"Bucky you've been showing up to my house for a long time covered in bruises. And every time I had to help you. Who keeps doing this to you?" Steve demanded. "I-I can't tell you."

"I can't keep helping you without knowing who does this to the man I love. I need to know Bucky. Don't you think I deserve to know, I'm your boyfriend for crying out loud. And don't you dare tell me that same damn lie again."

Bucky stayed quiet for a few minutes, but he took a deep breathe in and spoke the truth.

"My father." Steve furrowed his eyebrows,"Why on earth would your dad do this?" He asked. "Because he's a drug dealer. He forced me to do the same when I was very young. I've been stuck in it ever since. I tried leaving for so long, but every time that I did. This would happen to me."

"Why didn't you tell me this?" Bucky stood up to meet Steve's height. "Because I wanted to protect you. If my father found out about you and know that we were involved he'd use you to make me stay in this awful life. I'm afraid of what he'd do to you Steve. I can't lose you, you're my only hope." He cried. The taller man embraced the smaller one in such a tight hug you'd think his broken pieces would form back together.

"Look, I will help you get out of this. Okay? I don't care if I get hurt. I love you." Steve spoke while wiping away some of Bucky's tears.

"Cause I'm with you 'til the end of the line." Then he connected their lips together and that's when Bucky saw the light at the end of the tunnel much clearer, knowing Steve would always be by his side no matter what.

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