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Summary: Tony and Bruce make a special concoction to make Steve drunk

"Did we do it?" Tony asked Bruce. He turned and smiled at Tony,"We did it." They both smiled in victory. It took them 39 tries and on the 40th try, they did it. Tonight was the Stark Expo and Tony always wanted to see Steve drunk since Steve always saw him when he was intoxicated.

The expo started at 8 and it was almost 7. They had about an hour to get dressed and get everything ready.

"Hey babe, you ready?" Steve asked walking into Tony's lab. "Yeah, I just need to change." Steve nodded giving tony a peck on the lips.

It didn't take that long for them to get there. Just in time too. They were fashionably late.

"Have fun." Steve smiled at tony. "Always." Then Tony went on stage.

"Well first off, I couldn't have gotten here without my amazing boyfriend Steve Rogers." Tony spoke smiling at Steve, while the audience applauded.

Then after that was just Tony being Tony. He made a lot of jokes within his speech, but still managing to get the point across somehow. Of course, the audience loved it. Who wouldn't? That's Tony Stark. What's not to love?

After the speech he made his way off the stage and to his boyfriend. "That was a good speech." Steve complimented while wrapping an arm around Tony's waist. They walked to the bar and sat on the stools. "I have a surprise for you." Tony spoke. His boyfriend rose an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? What's that?"

Tony pulled out the vial containing the concoction him and Bruce made. "Well seeing that you never get drunk. Or even slightly buzzed. That should do the trick." Steve didn't look impressed,"It's not going to work. But I'll try it."

So Steve opened it and drank it in one sip. "That's strong." He coughed. "Do you feel anything different?" Tony asked, he shook his head.

Tony for sure thought it would work. He was very confident about it, he told Steve he'd be right back so he could tell Bruce it didn't work after all.

He pushed passed the crowd to find the other scientist. "Bruce!" He yelled. He turned while having Natasha wrapped in his arm. "It didn't work." He spoke. At first Bruce looked defeated then looked to where Steve was. "You sure?" Tony looked back and sure enough he was drunk. Or at least Tony thinks he was, he couldn't be sure since he doesn't know what Steve is like when he's drunk.

Tony walked back to Steve while wearing a victory smile. "Hey you." He smiled at Steve. "Tony!!!! I think it worked!" He shouted with a laugh. "Do you have more?" Tony nodded. Good thing he came prepared. "Here."

After chugging the second one he didn't seem phased at all just like the first one. So Tony realized it takes a while for it to kick in.

"Hey guys I'm captain America here!"

Tony was excited that it was working, but nervous to see what Steve was going to do next. So the rest of the night Tony followed him around to make sure he didn't do anything stupid or anything he'd regret.

At home, Tony helped Steve in their house making sure he didn't stumble or fall on his way in. It was near midnight and Steve kept saying he was hungry. "Babe, you just ate. I'll get you food tomorrow." Tony told him to which Steve grumbled angrily, which

"Take off your clothes." Tony demanded. "Woah we only just met." He laughed. "First off, we've been dating for almost 2 years and you're putting on your pajamas."

Tony handed Steve his pajamas then he went to go put his on. When he came back he saw his boyfriend already passed out on their bed. He covered them with their blankets and went to sleep as well. Not without giving Steve a forehead kiss before of course.

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