Peter Parker

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Summary: Peter has ptsd

Post endgame

Requested by: MultiFandom_Trash23

After everything that happened to Peter when Tony died and his field trip, Aunt May noticed he wasn't himself. He would be paranoid or agitated. She noticed he would have really bad nightmares as well, to the point where he was scared to sleep.

So, Aunt May decided to do some research and find him a therapist. Someone to talk to since Peter has been very closed off with her, so at least he'll have someone to talk to. When that backfired, the therapist did suggest something, it didn't seem like a terrible idea so Aunt May went with it.

She knocked on Peter's door and as usual, silence. But she helped herself in anyways. "What Aunt May!?" He snapped. She could tell by the way his bloodshot eyes looked he was crying again. "Look, I know you haven't been the same since his death. And I definitely noticed some changes too, so I got you something that I think would really help."

Peter scoffed lightly,"You thought that about the therapist too and look how that ended. What makes you think this is gonna help?" May sighed,"Just come here."

She pulled Peter out of bed and into the living room. "Whose dog is that?" He asked. "Yours. Look Pete, you have PTSD, your therapist said a service dog might help. He'll help grab your medicine, he knows what to do when you're feeling on the edge. If you have nightmares he knows to turn on the light and to wake you up."

"What's his name?" He asked. "What do you want it to be?"


Then Peter hugged Aunt May. "Thank you so much. And I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier." May smiled lightly,"It's alright Pete, I just want you to get better."

Friday was such a good companion and great company. Minutes after having Friday with him, Peters mood changed tremendously.

That night, Peter didn't go to bed until 3 in the morning, but when he did, he had the same horrible nightmare he kept having over and over. Friday was alerted right away and turned on the lights, he then proceeded to wake Peter up.

Once he succeeded, Peter sat up wiping the sweat off his face and went to go get a glass of water. Friday went ahead and grabbed his medicine for him as well.

That's how it went for a while, until Peter's PTSD wasn't as bad anymore. Him and Aunt May noticed a drastic change and they couldn't be more proud of him. He sleeps better, he's becoming like his old self again. Friday even gives Peter an excuse to go outside more since he has to walk him everyday. Everything has been so much better with Friday in their lives.

I hope you like it:) if you want me to fix or change anything just message me

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