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Post Civil War

Summary: Some of the Avengers don't like Tony

Requested by: JessieLaxton :)

So after civil war some of the new Avengers moved into the building and some old ones stayed. But some of them still didn't like Tony, or maybe they just haven't gotten comfortable around him yet. So one day when they were all relaxing in the living room, all of a sudden, the lights go out and everyone stood to their feet thinking someone was invading the building. But when a song started playing and Tony walked in, they all sat down.

Some rolled their eyes at him, others chuckled in amusement. Steve shook his head at how dramatic he was while laughing slightly. "Tony what are you doing?" He asked. "Just watch and you'll see."

Steve still shook his head, but not in a bad way. More of a "oh my gosh, what are you doing" type of way. "Don't shake your head at me. You dated me." Tony remarked. "Yes I did." Steve laughed.

Steve and Tony did date for a while. But they couldn't give each other what they wanted. It was also to hard for them, especially during the civil war. Tony thought that Steve would've been by his side throughout the whole thing, but when he wasn't, it really made him look at their relationship at a different point of view.

Steve fought for what he thought was right, something he's always done throughout his life and when Tony didn't respect him on that, I guess you can say, it hurt him. But then they explained to each other how they felt and how they saw the situation, then after that they agreed mutually that a relationship wasn't a good idea. They were both okay with that, no hearts broken, they're still great friends and that's all they could ask for.

Then Bucky appeared back into Steve life and it was like all the stars aligned. Reckon, he did have to go against many countries and go one the run with him, but in the end everything worked out. And no, Steve wasn't cheating or anything like that. Tony knew that as well, so there were no hard feelings when they got together.

"So, I heard some of you still think I'm an asshole, which I'm not. Unless you provoke me. But I will be singing until you think otherwise. Lucky for us, it's karaoke night." He smiled cheekily. Steve put his hands in his face, but couldn't help to chuckle at how ridiculous he was.

Tony searched through the karaoke machine to find the perfect song. And he did. It was the Last Hurrah by Bebe Rexha.

"I'm done with the drinking, I'm done with the smoking. I'm done with the playing, I'm done with the joking." He sang horribly and he knew it was awful, but seeing their smiles before busting up laughing was worth it.

Literally that's how it went for the rest of the song. He hit some high notes, which were pretty entertaining to watch and everyone couldn't stop laughing at how he got so into the song. He acted like he was on stage performing in front of thousands of people.

"This is my last hurrah, once I start I ain't gonna stop til I go too far. Last hurrah and it's okay, maybe tomorrow I won't feel this pain. Last hurrah, last hurrah." He sang that last note out for as long as he could.

After the song ended, it fell quiet and he looked at their expressions in front of him before speaking. "So...who's next?" He grinned as if nothing happened. No one volunteered, so he kept singing song after song until he was basically losing his voice.

Let's just say, after that night, no one complained or even thought that Tony was an asshole or even annoying. They saw a different side to him, something they've never seen before and would definitely love to see again. He wasn't the uptight person you see out on missions. Of course, they should've known Tony wouldn't stop until everyone loved him and he succeeded at doing just that.

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