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Summary: Steve and Bucky are Tony's parents

Requested by: JessieLaxton

Ever since Tony found out that they were Captain America and the Winter Soldier, he wanted to be like them. So, he created Iron Man. Steve was okay with it, he was the laid back parent, he didn't see anything wrong with it. At least he'd be with them at all times. But Bucky was more protective, he didn't like Tony going out there on missions with them. He could get hurt.

But they didn't expect Tony to snap his fingers to save everyone. During the whole thing, Tony looked straight in his parents eyes with a smile, he knew what came next. They tried stopping him, but Thanos prevented them from doing so.

They saw Tony move his lips and his last words to them were "I love you guys" then he snapped. When he snapped his fingers, flashbacks flooded them from all throughout Tony's life.

When Bucky was giving birth to Tony, it was the most painful yet beautiful thing ever. Once they heard him cry, nothing could ever be more beautiful. Then they held him for the first time and it was just the most amazing thing ever, they'll never forget the feeling they had when he was first born.

When it was his first day of school, he took it better than they did. Steve and Bucky were actually tearing up as entered the classroom. As they turned around to leave, they heard him yell and he was running back to them. "Don't cry. I'm a big boy." He smiled trying to make them feel better. It did. He made them laugh and they knew then he was going to be okay.

Freshman year was probably the worst for him, he got bullied pretty badly. When they saw bruises on their child's body, they cried to each other that night. They thought they were horrible parents for letting this happen. Bucky didn't take it too well out of the two, he wasn't going to beat up the kids. Steve wouldn't let him. So he talked to the principal and got the kids expelled. No one bothered Tony again.

During his junior year, he experienced his first break up. He texted Steve asking him to pick him up from school, once Tony explained to him what happened, he called Bucky to come home immediately. They spent the rest of the day comforting him as he cried. They watched movies with his favorite ice cream, played board games, baked some cookies. They even played ding dong ditch. It was Steve's idea. That's when Tony realized that family means so much more than a relationship and that's when he stopped with girls and focused on school.

Focusing on school did him absolute wonders. It got him into MIT. Once he got an email from them, he waited the whole day to read it with his dads, once he did and found out he got in, Steve and Bucky were the most proudest parents that day. They took him out to his favorite restaurant and even wrote on the windows "our son got into MIT! Honk to celebrate!" Lots of people honked that day, all for Tony.

When they found out Tony was kidnapped by the 10 rings, they lost it. They didn't sleep at all until their son was safely back home. The only reason why they went so crazy was because they knew it wouldn't be good idea if they got involved, so for once, they had to step back and let other people do the work. It was horrible, they didn't know if their son was coming back home, once he did come back home they promised each other to spend every moment with him like it's his last.

Steve and Bucky came back to reality and was just in shock that their son sacrificed his life for billions of others. He was gone. They didn't know how to act, but does anyone really know? They should be proud that they raised such an amazing son, but at the same time they wanted to be angry. Angry because he's not with them anymore. They should be happy that they won, but how can they be happy when their happiness is the reason why they won.

At the funeral, they could barely give their speech, they both were sobbing harshly, Sam had to do it. When they asked for a moment of silence, they tried so hard, but the only sounds were coming from the two heartbroken parents. Everyone wasn't mad, they had no right to be. No one could even imagine what they're going through.

The car ride home was silent, but it's been like that for a while now. It felt like their relationship wasn't the same. Not without their son. They trudged inside not wanting to be there. It was the last place they wanted to be. Tony's face was on every wall.

"You know I never wanted him to be Iron Man." Bucky spoke. "What's that supposed to mean? Are you implying it's my fault?" Steve asked. "You just had to let him come with us. Just had to let him be Iron Man. So yes, this is your fault Steve. All of this is! I've told you everyday that it was a bad idea, but you never listened to me! Now look where we are! If anyone's to blame, it's you." Bucky yelled and went to their room while Steve cried more. They fought all the time. Days on end when they would actually lose their voices from screaming at each other so much.

Weeks after that, they were never the same. Their other personalities, Captain America and the Winter Solider over took them. They didn't seem to care at all. Tony was gone. There was no point at all. Bucky kept speaking Russian to the point where Steve was fluent already. Whoever messed with them, was in for a rude awakening. Everyone knew about their other personalities and once they knew they were out. No one bothered them.

Steve couldn't help it that he blamed himself. He should've been a better parent. Should've said no, like any other sane parent would do.

Their house was a mess, they became in a dark state of mind, they didn't have the heart to go anywhere, to go get groceries, to do anything. When they absolutely needed to, it was chaotic. Captain America and the Winter Soldier would create so much chaos, it wasn't good. People actually feared them, it was bad. So they decided not to go out anymore.

They mourned in their living room. They couldn't even watch TV without seeing his face on every channel. It was too hard still. It stayed like that for almost 4 months. Until, Steve decided they couldn't go on like this.

Bucky was drinking coffee at the dinner table like he always did and Steve sat next to him. "What are we doing Bucky?" He asked. "пить кофе." Steve grabbed the cold sad mug away from him. "I mean with us. It's been 4 months. Do we really want to remember Tony this way? Do you think he'd be proud of us right now? Look at us. I'm not even proud of us. Do we really want to move on like this? I know that his death is my fault. I should've been a better parent. I know that. But he was happy being there with us. And isn't that what we wanted him to be? That's all we ever wanted and when he snapped his fingers, he was smiling. But we have to move on babe, it's what he would want." Steve trembled.

"I'm sorry." Bucky cried. That was the first time he didn't speak Russian in 4 months. "I'm sorry I put the blame on you. It's not your fault, it's neither of ours. You're right. He wouldn't be proud of us. I know I'm not. Let's be better. For Tony." He cried while showing a shaky smile. "I love you so much Stevie." Bucky smiled as he leaned in for a kiss. "I love you too."

I hope that Russian part is correct, anyways, I really love this chapter

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