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Summary: Peter is called into a mission

Requested by: Anora_Riddle-Malfoy

Peter being Spider-Man was hard enough to balance between both lives. It was even harder since he got picked on mostly everyday. He didn't really have a lot of friends except for MJ, Ned, and a new girl whose name is Amara. MJ and Ned didn't really get picked on like Peter and Amara did. Amara got it the most out of all four of them with her being a freshman and all. It was pretty bad, but she insists that everything is fine. No one really bothered them when they were together, so they tried to stick together as much as possible.

Peter showed Amara the ropes around Midtown, he wasn't sure why she kept sticking by him, but however, never argued because she was a very nice person to be around.

Peter and Amara were walking towards the cafeteria when they heard the alarm go off. Then the principal soon announced over the PA system saying that there was a threat against Midtown and all students and faculty needed to evacuate the premises.

Peter's spidey senses were alarmed moments before they heard gunshots going off not far from where they were at. They ran away from the noise getting to the exit, but after Peter made sure Amara was safely outside he went back inside to go handle those guys. Soon enough, the police and SHIELD arrived at the school. Amara then started to help evacuate all the students off campus and further away from the school.

Flash sees her and thinks she's full of crap, trying to be some type of hero. So he walked towards her. "You're just a dumb freshman! Why should we listen to you?!" He yelled. She walked closer to him and showed him her badge. "I'm SHIELD agent Amara Fury, daughter of Nick Fury. I was sent here to protect Peter Parker and that requires you to leave these grounds. We can do this the hard way or we can do this my way. What should it be?" She smiled innocently at him.

Flash frantically left as he noticed Nick Fury not far behind her. "You didn't have to scare the poor boy." Nick laughed as he walked up to his daughter. "He called me dumb. I had to do something. Besides, he was one of the people who's been picking on me and Peter."

"Where is he?" Nick asked. "Inside. Dealing with whoever is in there." Then Nick had all the SHIELD agents go inside to make sure it's all clear and to see if he needed help.

Soon, they saw the agents with the suspect who's been all webbed up. But Spider-Man didn't come out until a few moments later when they saw him swinging from behind the building and towards the front of the school when Spider-Man landed in front of Nick and Amara.

"Good work Spider-Man." Nick complimented. "Yes, good job Spider-Man, I'll explain everything back at SHIELD headquarters. We'll meet you there." Amara smiled.

"I'll race you guys. Last one there owes me a soda." They heard as Spider-Man already started swinging his way towards HQ.

Hopefully everything is what you wanted, if not then message me and I'll fix whatever needs to be fixed :)

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