Spideypool/Super family part 2

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Peter heard a noises and things breaking from downstairs then it stopped. All they heard was silence until his voice entered the air.

"Oh Petey!"

The three of them were wondering how the hell did they get past the rest of them downstairs. "Stay here." Thor demanded as he walked out the door. Bucky stayed put next to Peter who was under the covers. Then the door swung open, Bucky was against the wall so Wade wouldn't see him. He told peter to stay quiet by putting a finger over his lips.

"Hello Petey, long time no see. Ready to go home?" Wade spoke walking to him. Peter shook his head frantically,"I-I'm not going home with you."

Wade dragged him out of bed by his ankle and onto the floor. "Yes you are. Let's go." Then Bucky used the butt of the gun to hit Wade in the back of the head causing him to knock out.

"Thank you." Peter spoke as Bucky he stuck his hand out to help the smaller boy up. Peter hugged Bucky thanking him constantly. They went downstairs and saw all of the Avengers knocked out with tranquilizer darts in their necks. Peter ran to his parents waking them up. One by one they woke up slowly.

"He's upstairs." Bucky spoke. Steve went upstairs followed by Tony who dragged him downstairs. Waiting for him to wake up.

When Wade woke up he was tied to a chair with all the Avengers surrounding him.

"Aw how cute, you had to have your dads stick up for you Petey." He sarcastically cooed. Steve and Tony didn't want him near Wade so he stood behind Bucky who was in the back. He protectively pushed Peter behind him.

"SHIELD is on their way to put you in their prison. You won't be getting out for a long time." Tony smirked.

"I'll get out someday and when I do I'm coming for you Peter. You watch your back because-" Wade was cut off by Bucky shooting him in the throat so he couldn't talk. Everyone turned to him.

"What? He can't die. He was talking too much." He shrugged.

In the meantime, SHIELD came and took him away. They all stayed there for a while making sure Peter was okay. He was currently talking to Bucky who seemed to be hitting it off.

"I'm glad he's away for good." Steve spoke while kissing Tony's head gently. "Me too. Seems like someone already has eyes on him." He pointed in the direction on Peter and Bucky.

"I trust him more than I did Wade." They smiled at the two chatting happily.

A/N: Nothing against Spideypool, I love them to death

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