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Summary: Thor always made fun of Bruce's height, but he loves it nonetheless

When Thor and Bruce got together, Thor would always make fun of his height. Calling him names, pretending not to see him, using his shoulders or head to rest his arms on. Bruce thought after a while he'd eventually stop, but he was wrong.

It was a constant thing between them, Thor knew Bruce hated it, but he loved seeing his short boyfriends reactions.

"Why must you always mock my height?" Bruce asked while crossing his arms. "It's cute." Thor shrugged. They continued to gaze up and down the shelves of the aisle they were in until Bruce spotted something that they needed on the top shelf.

He walked closer to the item and stood on his tip toes to grab it. As he did, Thor annoyingly pushed it further back so he wouldn't be able to grab it.

"You always do that." He huffed while Thor only laughed. Bruce tried to reach for another one, this time Thor kept his distance, but he still couldn't manage to reach it. He heard his boyfriends laughter come from behind him.

"Are you just gonna stand there and laugh at me? Or are you gonna help me? Let's not forget who drove here and who's making dinner."

"Okay, fine fine. Here you go." He placed the item in their shopping cart. "I'm just playing, you know that." Thor kissed the top of his head. "Yeah, yeah." Bruce spoke sarcastically when he began pushing the cart down the aisle once more.


Bruce was in the kitchen peacefully cooking dinner when Thor came up behind him and snaked his arms around his waist as he rested his head on Bruce's shoulder. "I love you, you know that?"

"So now that I'm making food for you, you wanna kiss my ass?" He joked which earned a laugh from Thor. "I'd kiss your ass any day." He smirked. "Oh shut up."

"Does this mean you do not love me? You didn't say it back." Bruce turned to him and gave Thor an "are you serious?" look. "Of course I love you, but you're such an ass."

Thor moved his arms from around his waist and propped them up on Bruce's head. "I hope you never grow."

"Well, considering I'm almost 50, I doubt any growing will actually happen."

"Good, you can stay my arm rest forever, my pipsqueak, my short cake—" Thor was going to continue to tease him with all the nicknames he could come up with, but Bruce cut him off.

"Are you done? If you keep talking you won't get any dinner." He warned.

Thor stood quiet for a few seconds.

"Leprechaun." He spoke again cautiously, but burst into a fit of laughter when seeing Bruce's angry expression.

"I knew you were going to do that! Out!" He pointed away from the kitchen. Thor obeyed and walked out, he sat on the couch until Bruce called him in for dinner.

About an hour later Bruce never called him in, so Thor went to see what he was doing. Bruce was happily eating dinner by himself at their table. Thor had a shocked expression on his face. "I told you if you kept talking you won't get any dinner." Bruce spoke to him muffled as he took a bite of his food.

"I cannot believe this. Did you actually eat all of it?" Bruce shrugged,"Maybe." When he was done he set his plate in the sink and walked into their room. Thor scanned the kitchen to see if he left some food for him, he was relieved to see Bruce left a bit for him.

"You know I only joke around with you." He spoke to Bruce who was laying on their bed. "I know that, it gets annoying sometimes." Thor flopped next to him,"Okay I'm sorry love, I'll calm down with the nicknames."

"Thank you." Thor smiled as his shorter boyfriend placed their lips onto each other's.



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