章节: 9 - Share

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"Shouldn't you be sleeping with someone else. I hardly think it be proper, even in China, for a man to wake up with another man." Jimin playfully teased the younger as he sensed the other stirring from beneath him. The smile that formed on Jungkook's face made him proud and forced a smile to spread on his colder face as well. "You must meet her you know..." Jimin continued then, more seriously yet careful to pout his lips prettily as he spoke so that the other couldn't get too shy and angry.

"I know," Jungkook spoke blankly, not wishing to worry that early in the morning. He learned to play these parts a bit better recently - the ones where his heartbeat played a striking assault in his chest from sheer worry and anxiety over all the things that bothered him but showed very little on his face. Jimin however had grown savvy too, and he saw this empty face as a stark difference to the one Jungkook had offered him in the garden - the shy, open and pained look of youth that had then painted his face so handsomely always casted a shadow upon this empty gaze Jungkook had unfortunately acquired. "I just don't know where to begin I guess." He caved in at Jimin's expectant eyes.

"A simple greeting might do." The smaller suggested with a dumb smile. He got on top of Jungkook then, placing his hands on the other's chest as if to keep him there while he spoke his more offensive piece. "She'll be very pretty of course. Your father must've picked her well to provide beautiful heirs..." He spoke and immediately at the mention Zongxi, Jungkook's father, the boy beneath him retreated his face to his shoulder and crudely stole his doe-eyed gaze from Jimin. But Jimin was quick to continue, not wanting to elongate either of their suffering any longer. It was utterly cumbersome trying to get the stubborn Chinese-man to do as he was supposed to do. However, Jimin understood too, that it must've been ever more hindering for the young boy to not only hear the constant nagging from his father, but now his secret concubine as well. So he spoke even more softly, even more poutingly and with soft hands massaging the stiff skin of the younger beneath him to calm him. "That of course doesn't matter when you have me! Any woman will pale in comparison before my beauty." Jimin tried humorously then, getting closer to Jungkook, breath already tickling the other's neck as he approached further. Jungkook was ticklish as it was, but the other's pompous words amidst the serious chatter warmed him enough to chuckle greatly.

"You are very pretty." Jungkook allowed a whisper that quickly hitched as lips had begun to travel their way up to his face but just before the older would give Jungkook his plush lips they left again and found the part in the younger's body where the shoulder and neck met in a thick layer of honey skin. There he left his mark, sucking painfully at the other's skin until the odd desire to possess was extinguished within him again.

He got up rather frightfully after realizing what he had done but then as his eyes landed on the pretty bruise he felt somehow more comfortable handing Jungkook to his next concubine. He took the younger's bigger hands to his and pulled him up from the bed with a smile as the other didn't seem too offended by his beastly act either.

"Let's go." Jimin demanded softly as he began to draw over his intricate hanbok. He turned to Jungkook's looking glass to brush his hair that had gone crazy over the night - it seemed that Jimin's soft dream hadn't reached his hair that was from a nightmare. "You'll meet her today!" Jimin announced wonderfully hands brought together in a hasty clap as he turned to Jungkook hopefully. He, as much as Jungkook wanted all of this to be over already - yet, unlike Jungkook, he actually wanted things to be dealt with as well. He had grown to learn that hoping things to disappear lost its glamour once the worries would only grow in their horror when they were ignored.

"What?" Jungkook could only mutter as he pulled the covers of the bed over his bare body again, as if to shield himself from Jimin's threatening proposal. "N-not today! I can't today, I'm rather busy."

"Doing what exactly?" Jimin spoke with a spark of disbelief in his voice. "Riding your horse in circles or hiding in your gardens as you have done thus far to avoid me?" Jungkook blushed at that, finding it hard to dispute the other's accusation for it was, largely, factual.

"I was shy..." He could only reason as an explanation for his behaviour muchly lacking in manners. Jimin nodded at the younger's words understandingly, not wanting to chastise him any further or draw him any farther apart from his vicinity as accusing him of past mistakes could do.

"Your father is being rather kind to you too." Jimin returned to his previous piece instead as he tied the final knot over his hanbok. He was starkly aware too that his words went against every hair on Jungkook's body. He was, in fact, already rather expecting a cat like hiss from him after those words, maybe even a bite, but both of them knew Jimin would enjoy the bite more than it could hurt him. "He sent you a concubine, not a wife. This woman you'll only have to impregnate and then discard her if you so wish."

"I don't want to do that!" Jungkook bursted, horrified at the other's words.

"Discard her?" Jimin spoke inredulously, if not a tad hurt.

"Impregnate her..." The other muttered shyly, the blush that had formed began to creep to his nose too.

"Well... you must." Jimin muttered emptily for he was not exactly sure how to put it and furthermore, he feared that should he speak anything more extravagant he might end up feeling horrified at the thought too. "Let's begin by just meeting her. That shouldn't demand much." He tried to reason but Jungkook was frozen in worry.

"I can't. I can't!" He shouted horridly, hands coming to shield his nervous heart. "I must, I need to..." He heaved nervously and Jimin had to worry. He sat down next to the younger to pat his back warmly.

"You can." He whispered to Jungkook's ear softly, wanting to look into his eyes deeply to affirm that there were no lie in his words but the other had already hidden his face in his palms amidst his heavy breaths. "I'm sure you can. What are you most nervous about?" He asked, careful to not belittle the other's worry at all even as it was that he didn't quite understand it after all.

Jungkook slowly lifted his gaze from his palms after a while, still breathing heavy and not looking at Jimin, but the crack between the wall and the bed they had made pretty promises on just last night.

"It's just..." Jungkook began, lost as ever, words merely filling silence as the rest of his body performed a more vital task - hunting and spying on the prey that dwelled behind his bed. He felt like a wild beast who had gone weeks without food as his eyes and heartbeat fixated on the hidden object behind the bed. "I suppose I fear I won't know what to say. If I'll embarrass myself, I'll disappoint her, or, or father."

"How could a handsome prince like you disappoint any odd concubine?" Jimin tried pulling the other from the far distance that his face and all attention had fallen to. It seemed hopeless, even as he tried to take the other's face to his, to kiss him softly and reassuringly, the lips would follow him but the eyes were still locked somewhere where neither of them wanted them to be. "And I know little of your father other than what I've heard from your austere lips. But I don't think you should worry over much of what a man like him thinks of you." He tried to quickly add and speak any offence he could to distract the younger but he seemed too far gone by then. It seemed that the only thing keeping Jungkook from the pipe was Jimin who reminded him of his small yet persistent piece of pride and honor for the promises they had made just yesterday on that beautiful night. And perhaps if the older was to leave just for a moment Jungkook would quickly forget this promise for long enough that the swell of the other flower would warm him enough to not care when he would again remember.

"Just, one last time?" Jungkook had to shamefully beg as his eyes couldn't even try to leave the corner. Jimin struggled at that, the pretty eyes that he had to chase to see them begging for something bad. "Then we'll go meet her. I promise." He heaved almost as his body began to slowly fall towards the bed and where the pipe was last placed in.

"Alright." Jimin allowed with a hesitant nod, his eyes beginning to tighten at whatever betrayal he felt at himself and the older - whether this betrayal was from his or Jungkook's side he couldn't decide, he merely felt hurt. "Share with me this time?" He had to know.

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