Like a prince

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You felt a warm hand on your shoulder. You hear a boys voice say,"don't be sad, princess", you look up, "It's going to be oké."
You see for you a blond haired guy with beautiful blue eyes.
"I know those twins can be mean, but they wouldn't hurt you, I swear. So don't let those beautiful E/C eyes sink in your tears..", he says with a small smile. 
"My name is Tamaki Suoh, and what's yours?"
Your eyes widened when you heard his last name. You heard it somewhere before.
"My name is Y/N", you whispered.
He helped you up and looked for a few seconds in your eyes. You felt you begun to blush a little.
"Ow sorry" you said.
"No problem, I think those two bastards needs to apologise to you, I will make sure of that", he gives you small smile.
"O you don't need to, really", you say to him.
"Don't worry, it's not a problem", he was still smiling.
"Oké then", you look down at your feeds. You didn't feel good about it.
"Well I need to go now, there's a club I need to attend", he said as he begun to walk away.
You begun to think where you know the name 'Suoh' came from. Suddenly it hit your brain. It was the name of the chairman! So that makes him.. the chairmans son!!
You wanted to go after him but your fear of getting embarrassed letted you stop. In place of going after him you went looking around to see for a place where you can study. You didn't feel like getting back to the cafeteria. First because those twins were there and second because you didn't feel like facing Haruhi after this. With your eyes locked on the floor you went walking trough the hallways. Suddenly you saw a little bord that attract your interest. 'Music room 1', it said. So there are more? You think by yourself. You slowly opened the door to see if there was someone inside. Maybe you could join the club? When you walked in all the eyes turned to you. You felt nervous, like you were going to take an exam.
"Euhm hey... I-i wanted to a-ask.. if.... If I maybe, if it's a possibility, I c-can join... This club.", You said.
For a slight moment everyone looked at you and said nothing. Then they all begun to laugh. Now you felt more uneasy then you already were.
Suddenly a girl, that looked like a tird year, begun to talk: "Of course sweetie, but then you first need to be more certain of yourself." As she begun to laugh again. You looked down at your feet.
"Ow sweetie, I didn't mean it to be mean. It's just if you want to preform, you need to have self-confidence."
You looked up to see her smile again. But it wasn't a smile to let you feel better. You felt tears coming up, as fast as you could you ran out of the room. You felt yourself so embarrassed. Because of your past you weren't as confident as before. If you weren't bullied, you didn't need to go through all this. You shook the thought of you as you begin to walk to search for an other music room. After all, this was only the first one. You begin to walk further into the big building.

After a few minutes you felt you were lost. You never found a music room 2 and if there was a 3th or 4th one you didn't found it either. You turned around a corner to make another attempt for finding a music room. You just wanted to make some music, and it looked like the only kind of club that would be fun. Suddenly you stopped. You thought you saw the word 'music room'. You stepped a little back to look high above your head to read the letters. "Music room #3", you slowly whispered. You could always give it a try. It looked abandoned though. But now you didn't care, it could maybe be your only chance of going into a club. Slightly you pushed against the big door to open it. When the door was fully opened, you couldn't believe what you saw....

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