Now it will happen...

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Oké, so before we start I just want to say something quick.. I'm sorry I didn't post any sooner, It's because I was in the middle of midterms and I also lost some inspiration for the next chapter mainly because around this period I rewatch Yuri on ice (hehehe I know I'm a weirdo but it's next to OHSHC my favorite anime). Also because of that, I came on some new ideas for another story about Yuri on Ice and also on a story about My Hero Academia but I want to post that somewhere else because It's not the same as I always write and for that I have Inspiration. But I don't want to let you all down so Here is an new chapter! And I'm also going to post a Christmas special that will probably take 2 chapters... So yeah enjoy!!!

You were kind of surprised when you woke up. That's kind of because all the members of the Host Club were hanging over your head all with very worried faces. Even Kyoya was standing there, the one who wanted to force you in being a Host. Actually you wanted to run away because you were still kinda mad because they didn't apologize yet. But because they were all hanging over your head, the option of running away was now a no-go. So you used your other option, even if they were worried our wanted to help you, they didn't apologize yet.
'What?', you said irritated.
'Oo Y/N-chan, we were so worried about you! Takashi told us you fell asleep right away so that means you were really tired so we decided to come check on you!', said Honey, tears welling up in is his eyes.
'Well That's all sweet and all but there's still someone in this room who needs to apologize!', you looked directly at Kyoya and you weren't even the only one, all the rest were also looking at him. They didn't like it either. The twins were even looking a little mad at him.
'I think she is right Sempai, you should apologize,' Haruhi said.
'I can't see that this situation needs an apology from me,' Kyoya said, pushing his glasses further on his nose.
Everyone was shocked by that. He was right, you weren't laying in the nursery because of him but still... He did something that wasn't acceptable either.
'It's better  that you apologize Kyoya Sempai,' Hikaru started.
'Then all of this will be over,' Kauru finished.
'I don't have to apologize for anything to anyone,'Kyoya simply stated.
Suddenly Tamaki interfered: 'That's enough Kyoya! You know very well what you've done, you better apologize right now our there could come bad consequences.'
He looked really mad, it looked like this mattered for him really hard, but what can you say. He still is the founder of the Host Club, the boss. I would get mad too if someone does this kind of stuff.
Kyoya took that really serious, in fact he looked a little scared.
Suddenly he let out a little sigh to then turn at you.
' I'm sorry that I forced you to join the Host Club. And Tamaki I'm sorry that I didn't discuss this with you and for the rest, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you guys and lied about saying that it was an emergency meeting. But of course, Y/N, you can always join the Host Club, if the rest is okay with it.'
He said the last sentence very carefully so that there wouldn't be another outburst.
'Thank you Kyoya for apologizing. Now exucse me, I have a class to catch. And I think you guys too.'
Suddenly everyone turned to the clock and saw that they had one minute left before classes will start again. Before you knew it, they were all out of the room, chasing to be in time.
You let out a soft laugh. Idiots, you though in yourself. But it's not there fault the clock was a few minutes ahead of time. You knew it because you have a digital watch that told you, you still had around six minutes left.
When you were quietly walking to the exit 2 faces popped out the doorway.
'Hey, are you coming!' one of them said.
'Yeah we are waiting for you to head to classes with us.' the other redhead said. So as they asked you headed with Kauru, Hikaru and Haruhi to class.

After that incident you hanged around more with the Host Club, after all they were your friends. Sometimes you also came over when they had Club hours.
You just hung around because you didn't have anything better to do and they didn't mind you hanging around.
You begun to think you maybe should take the offer of Kyoya. You did had enough time on your hands. Why not spend it on something. Fast you pushed that though away. You would never do that. You already had it difficult with socialization, what would happen then when there were people you needed to talk to, who would pay you for that, and you need to put them in the center of attention. Not forgetting you also will get many attention. No, never, you will not become a Hostess until the end of your life. Well, let's not be too dramatic. You will never become a Hostess until the end of your school carrier. That's better.
Now you were sitting on a couch in Music room #3, quietly sipping on your coffee. It was almost Christmas and you were just done with midterms. The past few months already past by very fast and you did have some good moments with your friends. But O boy, if you knew already what would come next. You would  have never been sitting on that couch at the moment, in fact, you would hang around with your friends that isn't the Host Club.

Sorry of this was a short chapter but I want to focus on the Christmas/ New Year special. Hope you will Al enjoy!!! Xxxx😘

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