Take a seat and listen

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It was a little walk before you arrived at the Host Club. You didn't think about it first but now that you where there standing before the door you did feel a little nervous. What was going to happen? What did Kyoya want from you? You wanted to go in but before you could open the doors the twins already did. It looked like they couldn't wait either. You already wanted to close your eyes so you were prepared for the lights and the petals. But instead that you where choking on one of the petals, you were pulled into the room and put on a seat. You were a little startled because it all went so fast. Before you was Kyoya standing. Hikaru, Kauru and Haruhi where running your way because Kyoya literally dragged you into the seat. For some reason Honey, Mori and Tamaki where there too. It weren't Host Club hours and Kyoya even said that he wanted to see you alone. Well that was what you thought, but now it proofed you wrong. When everyone were standing before you Kyoya began to speak.
"So... Y/N I'm sorry that the rest is here to. But for what I'm gonna say is it better that the whole club can hear it" he began to walk around you.
"As you know you need to pay something back to me. First I didn't get any idea for you to pay me back. But after some quick thinking I came at an idea that even will help a commoner like you. I know... It's not so original because we already have done it some time ago, but I-"
"JUST SAY already wat it is?" You cut him of.
Everyone was a bit surprised by hearing you say that. You were just a little inpatient and if you let Kyoya go on, it could have gone on forever.
"Well.,"Kyoya stuttered,"Everyone say welcome to our newest Host, I mean Hostess!!"
For a moment it was so quiet that you could hear a cricket sing. You couldn't believe what he just said.
Suddenly a loud voice broke the silence.
"OMG, Are you serious Kyoya!! I will get a new daughter, this is fantastic!!! So will my Haruhi get a girl where she can talk to and so she will finally show her feminine side!! O Kyoya you're fantastic!! And so  we will get even more clients and Y/N can finally get-"
"STOP IT!!"you yell.
Now were all eyes on you, there was no one who got the idea to look away. They were so surprised because they never heard you yell before. Well they certainly didn't know everything about you. They would be surprised by the things about you they don't know jet. That shows again how much they still need to learn from you.

You snapped by hearing Kyoya say something like that and hearing Tamaki rattle about it made it even worse. You didn't understand what Kyoya was doing here. First he said he didn't want you to pay for this and suddenly he turns the tables and made it even worse by forcing you to join the Host Club. You couldn't hold your anger anymore and before you knew it you began to shout again.

You raise out of the chair,"You think you can just do this. First you said it didn't matter that you could fix it on your own even when I said I would pay for it. When I suddenly agreed that I didn't need to pay for it you turned the tables and forced me to come here. I, the sweet girl that isn't a narcissist, listens to you and takes her time to go all the way to this weird place. Suddenly you pin me to a chair and say that I will join the Host Club without even discussing this with me!" You felt tears coming up and the anger that was almost burning your body made place for deep sadness that begun to hurt your heart.
You looked at your shoes, "I thought I could trust you guys. And when I finally begin to open up to you all you just drop me like a rock."
You felt the tears swelling up in your eyes. Before you could let them go, you turned around and ran out of the room. And this time there was no one holding you back you didn't even hear a word.

Authors note: Sorry for this short chapter but I didn't feel like writing something more in this chapter. I find this a good ending for this chapter. But don't worry!! A new chapter Wil be there soon!😘

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