Welcome... to the Host Club!

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You couldn't believe what you saw. You just opened the door to music room #3. And instead of finding some abandoned instruments, there was a bright white light that almost blinded you. And on top of all there where rose petals flooding down from the air that almost choked you. While you were choking into the petals there were a bunch of boys dressed up in some weird costumes looking at you. You didn't even notice them say ~welcome~ in complete sin. When you finally where done with almost dying, you looked up to see all the boys. You recognized some of them. And at your great surprise you also noticed a girl, whose name accidentally was Haruhi. You felt a little smile forming on you face. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, there where two boys leaning next to you. And of course those were these twins. You didn't want to deal with them. But at the point you were standing now you couldn't move anywhere else then where you are at the moment.
"Well hello Y/N~", they said together.
You looked at them as you begun to stutter.
"He-ey guuuyys"
"We didn't know you would come visit the Host Club", one of the boys said.
"It's not that we didn't want that", said the other guy as he placed two fingers under you chin.
"Eeuuhm, I was actually looking for a music club but-"
Before you could end your sentence the two boys were pulled back by someone that let you finally breath. But it only lasted a second because now another guy was next to you.
"Sorry, they didn't mean to startle you", the boy said without looking at you.
"I'm Tamaki Suoh and you-", he suddenly stopt talking as he looked up at you, noticing who you were.
"You're that girl from before", he whispered as he looked with his beautiful purple eyes in your E/C eyes.
Without saying anything else, he turned around to talk to the other boys.
"Guys I want you to meet this gorgeous girl who I met before, please be nice!", he yelled at the others.
You saw how Haruhi was looking at you with blank eyes, not knowing what to say.
"So you are Y/N L/N, the new transfer", a voice said out of nowhere.
"Eeuhm, yes..", you said as you were looking around to see who this was saying.
"So then you are just like Haruhi", the voice said again as you now could see who was speaking. It was a tall, black haired guy with glasses on.
You took a stap closer, "What do you mean, just like Haruhi?"
"Well a commoner", he said without hesitation.
You cracked by hearing that word. You jumped over and begun to scream.
Lucky for him you were hold back by an even taller guy, also with black hair. He took you on his shoulder when you were still screaming at the boy with glasses.
He putted you down were you stood before. Now Tamaki came back to you. "Well before you do anything else, let us introduce ourselves",he said, "I'm Tamaki Suoh, as you already may know. The guy with the glasses is Kyoya Otori. The two twins are Kauru and Hikaru Hitachiin. The little blond buy is Mitsukuni Haninozuka, also know as Honny and the tall guy is Takashi Morinozuka, also know as Mori. And the last one is Haruhi Fujiko. And we, are the Host Club!"
You stared for a few seconds at them, finally saying something.
"Why is Haruhi dressed up as a boy", you said without hesitation.
Suddenly the smiles of the Host club cracked.
"Because, he-he's a boy of course," Tamaki said.
"Well, I know you're all lying to me. You can clearly see that she's a girl. Why are you hiding that?", you asked.
"Well she wanted it herself!", Tamaki shouted at you.
"I never said that", Haruhi came between.
Then Kyoya broke the awkwardness, "She pretends to be a boy because she has a debt to pay. And because she looks like a boy is she also pretending to be one. So she can be a host and pay her debt of."
Everyone got quite.
You tried to break the silence by saying, "Well, that explains quit a bit. So I'm gonna go now. I still need to find music room #2, if it is here."
You turned around trying to finally get out of this place. But before you could reach the door two arms wrapped around yours.
"Wha-what", you stuttered.
"Where are you going", you heard one voice say.
"Where not done yet", the other said.
"Wait what! Let me go. I don't need to do anything here!", you hissed.
You tried your best to get out of the grip but you couldn't do anything so you let the twins drag you back.
"Before you go...", one said.
"You need to promise something",the other ended.
You looked nervously at the twins as they were staring into your eyes.
Suddenly Haruhi came to stand next to them and looked at you and then at the twins.
"Look Y/C, we just don't want that the whole school knows that I'm actually a girl. Could you promise that you don't tell anyone", she said looking worried.
You begun to think letting out a big sig.
You looked at your feeds then to Haruhi and the twins.
You Suddenly gave them a smile, "Of course I will. Your a friendly person. Why would I tell a secret about someone if the only thing they are trying to do is be nice."
You saw how she looked surprised at you as the twins blushed a little.
"Now, can I go, I think classes are going to start soon", you stood up.
You walked toward the door, you noticed no one came to grab you. You opened the door and looked over you shoulder.
"Well, I see you guys later then", you said. You gave them a brief smile and then walked through the door. As you closed it you felt a small warmth in your stomach, when you noticed it was the first time in forever you felt this happy before. You begun to walk through the hallways happily knowing this wasn't the only time you would see them..

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