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You were sipping on your hot chocolate while you were watching out your window at the snow that softly whirled down until they landed on the white coat on the ground. It was almost Christmas, just one day left and you totally had no clue of what you were going to do. Your parents never really celebrated Christmas, you didn't really mind that because you mostly celebrate with your friends, but after last year... You didn't know what to do now. You really like Christmas, it was always something special for you mostly because of the stories that came along with it and the ones you made yourself. You remember a story a teacher once told you...

~'Come around everyone, time for a Christmas story!'
Fast you ran toward the teacher and sat with the other kids in a circle around her. When everyone was settled the teacher begun to speak.
I' think you all know about World War 1.'
Everyone nodded including you.
'Well around Christmas something special happened. It was snowing very hard and the people were fighting like always. They knew Christmas came but still they did the same that they have been doing for a long time until then. It was almost Christmas Eve and you could still hear the gunshots of the soldiers. Most families were already gathered with each other trying to celebrate Christmas even with the events that were going on but the soldiers didn't. They weren't together with there families. But then, at a place were the commanders weren't around, around midnight, people weren't fighting at the moment. That was because of the snowy weather. But that wasn't one of the things why they weren't fighting. It was also because of Christmas. A Christmas wonder happened, enemies gathered around to celebrate Christmas. Giving each other presents and singing songs together next to a Christmas tree.'
You looked at her with bright eyes and couldn't believe what you just heard....~

You fastly shove the memory away because others came coming up now too. And they weren't good ones. You remembered the ones you hated suddenly turning nice to you around Christmas and always thinking that was like the story but it wasn't.

Before you could think of anything else you heard your phone ring. Fast you pulled your blanket aside that you were  laying under and ran towards the table where your phone was laying on.
'Haruhi?'You read with surprise.
"hey", you said calmly.
"Hey, I wanted to ask something to you," he cutted directly to the case.
"O what is it?", You ask.
"Well actually it isn't my idea but the boys asked if I could ask you. So, the Host Club is having a Christmas party and they wanted to ask if you could come to. Well at Christmas eve we will have a party with the Host Club and on Christmas itself there will be a big party with all the Host Club guests invited. Now if you want to think about it or-"
"Yes, I will like to come", you cutted her of,"to both of the parties."
Your were happily smiling even if you knew she couldn't see it.
"Well that was fast! I will send you the details in a message and then I see you tomorrow!"
You heard that she was also happy, maybe because she wouldn't be the only girl then?

You were very excited and already couldn't wait until tomorrow. You were lucky that it was very late so you didn't need to wait for another long day. Of course you needed to tell your parents about the surten changes of events but you knew they wouldn't mind. And you were right, in fact, they were even happy for you that you actually made new friends that asked you to hang out with them.
Just after you talked with your parents, your phone rang again. Hikaru, was now the name you read.
"What's up?" You ask.
"Hey Y/N, we heard of Haruhi that you accepted to come to the party," you heard him say happily.
"Yeah, I'm really excited and you?"
"We're also very excited for both of the parties", you heard another voice say.
So they were both on the phone.
"Hey I actually had a question that I wanted to ask...",you said.
"Spill the beans", they both said in sink.
"Well.. why did you invite me to the party that's actually alone for club members?" You asked a little hesitant.
"Well, that's simple", Hikaru began.
"It's because you're a friend of all of us!", Kauru finished.
"And Kyoya told us that you would be alone this Christmas so Tamaki came up with the idea", Hikaru fast added.
You begun to think by yourself why he knew that but then it came to your mind you told him when he was asking you a few questions.

Flashback: It was a normal morning and you were sitting once again next to Kyoya but you were sitting a few inches away from him because you still couldn't trust him after he asked you to become an Hostess.
"Are you still mad at me?", He asked suddenly.
"What do you think", you said while looking away.
"I take that as a yes.."
It went again silent.
"Look, even if it didn't sound sincere at the moment, I meant it and once again sorry."
Now you looked his way.
"I know that, but it just takes some time", a small smile formed on your face as you saw Kyoya looking at you. You saw, even in his cold expression, that he meant it.
"Well, to lighten the mood, why don't we ask each other some questions."
You were surprised by his offer.
"Oke then..", you said a little hesitant.
"What's your favorite Holiday?", He asks.
"Euhm Christmas and yours?", You quickly said.
"Mine is New Year. And why do you like Christmas?"
"It's one of the only holidays when there is the most peace on earth. And why is New Year your favorite holiday?"
"Well, just like they say. New Year, new opportunities."
"What do you do around Christmas?"
"I mostly hang out with friends, but this year I will be alone maybe looking at some Christmas movies. And before you ask, no my parents don't celebrate Christmas that much."
He nodded while hearing that and didn't ask anything anymore. Silently you were sitting next to each other. Now not feeling as akward as you felt before.

"Y/N.. Y/N!!!!!" You heard a voice yell trough your phone.
"Sorry I just reminded something." You say.
"Well I'm happy everything is fine we were actually just asking if it was oké if we come and pick you up?" You hear Kauru say.
"O yeah, that's oké, I will sent you my address."
"Fantastic! ok see you tomorrow then!!" You hear him say.
You said your goodbyes and putted your phone back on the table. You let out a sigh because you couldn't believe what just happened. You were invited to 2 Christmas party's and 2 (rich and also a bit famous) boys were going to pick you up. When you looked at your clock you noticed that it was already late so you went to bed so you would be rest out for tomorrow. Fild with happiness you went to bad. You felt asleep at the tough of the parties...

So this was the first Christmas special part. There are 2 more. One is the first party and the next one the second. O and let's not forget there will be some more flashbacks and some romantic parts~ Hope you enjoyed this chapter ❤️

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