Chapter 12

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I watched helplessly as Deek tossed me onto a floating platform. I couldn't move at all, only my eyes were able to dart around. I stared at Deek furiously, trying to understand why he wasn't affected by this intense gravity like I was. As my eyes focused more and more on him, I could see the faint glimmer of something around his body. It was like the energy field that Xan had shown me he used when he was on Earth. I agonized on the inside, realizing how stupid I was to try to escape. I really didn't have the tools I needed to even just walk, let alone achieve freedom.

My eyes drew passed Deek, who was walking protectively next to me, no doubt to protect his precious cargo. The crimson sand of Vasio seemed to blow wildly in the wind, like a red dust storm. This land seemed to lack life and was abandoned, seemingly perfect for some underground exotic dealings. There would be no hope found for me here.

I wanted to gather my surroundings more, but I couldn't move at all. The only view I had was what was right before my eyes and mostly Deek's bulky body.

Suddenly, we stopped and Deek moved ahead. I heard the beeping of buttons being pressed and the sound of a door sliding open. Once we reinitiated our approach, I noticed us enter a building that seemed very run down. The walls were concrete and filthy while the floor seemed to be covered in red sand, most likely being carried in from the wind. There were old wooden chairs, broken and strewn across the floor, while doors hung crooked or detached altogether and placed against walls. Whatever this place was, it had been long abandoned.

Deek came back to my side and pulled up a screen on his watch. He smiled in approval. "Good," he murmured. "The generator's working and gravity levels in here are normalized." He pressed a button on the device and I watched as the energy field around him dissipated.

He barked orders in the language I didn't understand and suddenly hands grabbed my arms. In front of me, two of the golden-haired beings from before grabbed my legs and they lifted me along with the two I felt behind me.

Panic shook through me and Deek shot me a wink. Where was I being taken?

I tried to flail and tear from their hold, but I was completely powerless. Nothing would move, not even a twitch of a finger.

My gaze was fixed on his hungry grin as I drew further and further away.

I stared at the two red-skinned beings carrying my legs, my eyes pleading with them desperately, but not one of them met my gaze. Their faces seemed pained as if they didn't want to be doing what they were doing. I realized they had no control in the matter. Of course, they wouldn't look me in the eye. They couldn't help me so why feel the guilt?

Shuffling began behind me and before I knew it, I was being placed inside a chamber. They strapped me in by my head, chest, and stomach just to hold me up since my body was limp. With the press of a button, a glass wall slid across, locking me into my cage.

Again, I tried to resist. Inside I was screaming, tearing out of my bindings, and throwing myself out of this cage. On the outside, I remained motionless, incapable of anything but a glance of the eye, watching pitifully as exotic plants were carried into the room around me.

"Dalg!" Deek's voice roared through the room and the beings quickly stopped what they were doing and scurried away.

Deek and another being came into view, approaching me with hushed voices. The man next to Deek was also Torian, but much more sophisticated. His chestnut hair was swept back neatly and his silver eyes sparked with a cunning glint.

As Deek pointed towards my confines, the man looked upon me with a hungry smile. He placed his arm against the glass and rested his forehead on his forearm to comfortably analyze me like a fish in a tank.

"She is a spectacular specimen," he cooed delightedly as Deek stood next to him. "But why isn't she moving?" His voice took a darker tone. "Has this one been damaged in transport? You told me she was healthy."

Deek waved it off casually. "Of course, she is. My goods are always pristine, you've done business with me before and you know this."

His gaze crashed into me more violently. "This one has a rebellious spirit to her. She dared to escape so to ensure her safe travels, I had to inject her with paralyzer, though I do expect it will be wearing off shortly."

The man looked at me with the lustful eyes of a mad man. "To think she is the first to leave that dying planet since the Galactic Elders left so long ago. Imagine what I will be able to do to her."

Terror squeezed my heart but it was not evident on my frozen face. Again I forced myself to move, but all I could do was barely flinch my finger.

The man pressed a button and the glass opened again.

"What are you doing?" Deek questioned tensely.

The man reached inside and placed his fingers under my chin. His thumb grazed my cheek ever so softly.

"Merely inspecting my merchandise," he answered cooly. He began to glow with a golden light like Xan had before while he caressed my cheek. A sinister grin drew across his face.

"Though you can't move, there is much fear inside of you right now," he announced before looking right into my eyes. Though he played calm, I felt something very ominous about this man and the distress inside of me only intensified.

"I will take very good care of you, my little human."

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