Chapter 27

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"Not every planet is as welcoming as some of the ones you experienced so far," Trish warned me as she sat back in her pilot's chair. She had a map overlay on the screen, showing me as our path drew across the current galaxy to a planet at the very end.

I sat on the ledge by the window, watching her draw her finger to the farther planet from its sun. Surely, it would be a frigid place.

"Bela is cold, dark and riddled with the lowest beings of the galaxy, some of which are quite dangerous."

I just stared out the window, half listening.  My thoughts were somewhere else, lamenting on a night in Xan's arms that I would never have again.

Trish looked at me curiously, noticing my strange silence.

"What happened?" She asked, snapping me out of it.


She glanced back at Xan who was speaking to Neron and discussing the plan.  My heart clenched as his eyes met mine and softened, distracted until Neron grabbed his shoulder to draw his attention back to him.

"You both are acting weird," Trish announced. "I just told you how dangerous Bela is and you didn't even react.  I called him a "stiff ass Torian idiot" this morning and it was like he didn't even hear me. What's going on?"

"Why did you call him that?"

Trish waved it off. "Sometimes his stupid face pisses me off, but that's not the point.  What's going on?"

I sighed. 

"Did you tell him what's going on with you?" She asked.

I shook my head.  "I can't. We know how we feel about each other, but it changes nothing.  He's going to marry his match."

Trish just stared at me, wanting to say something but holding back.

"What? Just say it," I urged.

"I get what you're worried about. But, as much as I don't like him, I can see how much he cares for you.  You don't think he deserves to know what's going on? He worries about you."

"That's exactly why I can't. I don't want that to control his choices." I blushed, feeling childish. "I want him to stay because he wants to, not because he has to."

Trish moaned, about to protest when Ryuna chimed in, overhearing our conversation.

"You know she's right, Trish. Leave her be," she said compassionately.  She looked at me kindly.  "Tierian and I can sense your energy levels as well. They fluctuate quite a bit.  Try to remain calm, that state seems to prevent things from escalating."

I nodded.  That was easier said than done.

She smiled. "Don't worry dear, we will get to the bottom of this," she comforted as Trish nodded in agreement.

A small beep began to sound as the map overlay zoomed in on Bela to a blinking red cursor.

"Looks like we're about to land," Trish announced as Xan and Neron joined us.

Xan approached me, holding a thin, back jacket.  "Bela is very cold and while your protective field from your wristband will keep you safe from the elements, you will still feel the chill.  It's best to be prepared."

I nodded as he began slipping the jacket on me and I found that the inside was extremely warm. It was lined with some kind of material that felt warm like sherpa, but soft like cashmere. 

"You know I can dress myself, right?" I moaned as he zipped it up and pulled out a pair of gloves as well.

"I am aware of that, yes," he answered, slipping the gloves on my hands next, but his hand lingered on my own.

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