Chapter 25

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Teo nodded slowly before standing up and pulling me with him.  "Come on, let's get out of here before someone notices," he urged.

I followed blindly behind him as he pulled me by the hand.  My brain was too distracted to pay attention to where he was taking me. I felt so numb.  I couldn't grasp onto a single thought as a hurricane swept through my mind of Xan's  match, my vision, and what I had just done.

Before I knew it, we were back on the ship.  Somehow, it felt safer there.

"Trish messaged me saying you took off.  She was worried," he began.  "And to tell you the truth, so am I.  What's going on?"

I explained everything to Teo, from what Finn had said all the way to the visions I had just had in front of him. 

"What the hell had happened to you," he analyzed.  "This isn't as simple as a human escaping the Ancient Planet.  You are caught up in something much larger than that."

I nodded. "I need to figure that out."

"What about Xan?" He asked, knowing Xan had been with me through all of it.  Xan knew everything.  I had depended on him.

"Xan can't help me anymore," I said blankly.  "He has to live the life that was set out for him."

Teo just stared at me. He knew there had been no one I trusted more than Xan and without him I felt lost.

"Aeris..." he whispered sympathetically, not really knowing what else to say. What could he say? Where there even words to comfort someone who didn't know if they were dying or just imploding? What words would take away the hurt of knowing whatever connection I had with Xan meant nothing because he had to leave and be with someone else? There were no words to fix any of it.

"We will push forward," he said determined and I looked at him surprised, having been caught up in my own pity party.  "So what if we don't actually know what's happening. Life can't be controlled so easily, so we move forward and do what we can while we can."

He placed his hands encouragingly on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "So what do you want, Aeris?  We will do it."

I remained quiet for a moment.  What did I want to do?  I had been so caught up in just surviving, I hadn't really thought what I wanted to do.  My mind raced through the series of events since I left Earth, which was only a small window and I realized, I wanted answers.  Who was that man that kept appearing in those visions and what happened to Earth? 

"Vengeance," I said finally and he looked at me shocked.

"For the Ancient Planet?" he asked, a look of understanding now in his eyes. 

I nodded.  Regardless of what was going to happen to me, I needed these mysteries to be solved.  Earth needed to be avenged and I needed my own personal answers.

"And I want to know what these memories are of mine.  I want answers about what happened to me."

Teo stood there and crossed his arms, analyzing it all in his head.  I had presented him a seemingly impossible challenge, but he had asked what I wanted.  This was what I wanted.

"Okay," he said finally, with an enthusiastic grin. "I'll help you.  Not sure where to start, but I'm going to help you."

I returned his smile.  I wasn't exactly sure where to begin either, but it was nice to know I wasn't alone.

Suddenly, the door to the ship slid open and Trish hustled inside, alone. Her eyes landed on me.

"What is going on?" she demanded and I froze, unsure of what she was referring to.  "I am getting a weird vibe off of you," she said bluntly. "Your energy levels are off.  I could feel it earlier and I'm still feeling it now."

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