Spill your guts or fill your guts (requested)

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You and Taylor have been dating for almost a year now and no one knew besides your families and closest friends. You're both in the public eye so there's a lot of people wanting to know everything about your lives at all times. You didn't know how the public would react and you wanted to keep things low-key so keeping it between the two of you for as long as you felt like it felt right. You've been spotted out together quite a lot though and fans have always shipped the two of you together but you always played the classic "we're just really close friends" card.

You were on The Late Late Show With James Corden tonight to promote a new movie that was being released in just a few days, and so was Taylor. It's hard to pretend like you don't know her all that much when in actuality you know her better than anyone else. 

You had just finished your interview when James asked you and Taylor to play a game and you were both down for it. You sat around at a table full of disgusting food. James had given you the pickle juice and spun it around towards you as he grabbed a card. You looked over at Taylor and saw she was trying not to laugh. 

"y/n? There have been a lot of rumors of you and Taylor for a few months now. You've been spotted out together a few times. Someone recently took a photo of you out together and you were holding Taylor's hand as she kissed your cheek. Some people say it's fake, others say it's real. So, which is it?" James asked teasingly, trying so hard to get you to spill the beans. 

The audience was cheering loudly as James laughed. You looked over at Taylor and bit your lip, blushing like crazy as everyone clapped and cheered. You grabbed the pickle juice and took a big swig of it, instantly regretting it afterward. "That's disgusting." You mumbled to Taylor before looking back at James who was now spinning the turntable, trying to decide what to give Taylor. 

"Taylor I'm gonna give you the grasshopper." 

Taylor shook her head and looked at you. She mouthed an apology to you, already letting you know that there was no way she could eat it so she was gonna have to answer whatever she was asked.

"Taylor? Your new album just came out a couple of weeks ago and there's one song, in particular, a love song, that people are speculating is about y/n. Is it?" 

Taylor laughed and blushed, her cheeks feeling warm. 

"Uh" She stretched out the word and looked at you, smiling at you before answering the question with a quiet "yes". 

The audience cheered loudly and you both laughed, already aware of how many stories there would be about this in the morning. You and Taylor each got to ask James a question before the food was spun back to you. He announced that this was the last question before scanning the foods with his eyes. 

"You know what y/n, I'm gonna give you the fish eye." 

You grimaced and so did the audience as Taylor and you locked eyes. She nodded her head, letting you know that it was okay with her to answer whatever he was gonna ask, no matter what it was. She wasn't gonna force you to eat that. 

"y/n, we all just wanna know one thing. Taylor just revealed that she wrote a sweet love song about you which would at least imply that she has a crush on you. Do you have a crush on Taylor?" 

You looked at the fisheye for a minute before looking back at Taylor who was blushing like crazy. She nodded her head and you looked back at James, feeling tired of all the teasing and hiding. You knew that with all that happened tonight there'd be a lot of rumors tomorrow, some may be worse than what was already circulating. 

So you took a deep breath and looked back at Taylor, no words needing to be exchanged, your eyes said it all. She smiled and reached for your hand under the table, grabbing it and giving it a little squeeze. 

"Do I have a crush on Taylor? How could I not James? She is my girlfriend after all."

The room was filled with loud cheers as James just sat with his jaw dropped. You felt so relieved, aware that the media would have a field day with this tomorrow but you didn't really care. You didn't have to hide anymore. You could finally be open about your relationship. You could finally hold Taylor's hand in public without the worry of others finding out. 

Taylor giggled and squeezed your hand again, smiling when you looked up at her. You both knew there'd be a lot of questions and a lot of people that weren't okay with this. But you didn't care. You had each other and that was all that mattered. You could get through anything together.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now