Taylor takes Carter trick or treating for the first time

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Carter was bouncing up and down with excitement. this is the first year Taylor is taking him trick or treating and he was thrilled. He was dressed up as his favorite superhero and he looked so adorable.

Taylor walked up behind you and kissed your cheek. "I wish I had that much energy." Taylor laughed, a response on the tip of her tongue until Carter came rushing in. "Ready!" You both laughed and Taylor walked over to him, fixing his little cape that was over his shoulders. "Well don't you look adorable. The cutest little superhero i've ever seen." Carter giggled as Taylor tickled his sides.

"Alright buddy, let's go. Say bye to your mom." Carter ran over to you and put his arms around your neck, giving you the biggest hug he could as well as a kiss on your cheek. "Have so much fun, get lots of candy, and be safe. I love you so much." You pressed a ton of kisses to his cheek making him laugh before you put him back on the ground and he ran over to Taylor. They both said their goodbyes before walking out the door, ready for a fun night ahead.

Carter insisted on holding his own bowl until it was too heavy and Taylor held it for him. They've walked a few blocks over at this point. Carter kept his much smaller hand wrapped around Taylor's as they kept walking up to house after house. Everyone complimented his costume making Carter smile bigger and bigger every time.

Carter went about two more blocks until he started to drag his feet, his eyes wanting to close as he started to feel more and more tired with every step. "Okay buddy, how about one last house and then we go home and you can show your mom all your candy?" Carter nodded but stopped making Taylor frown. "What's wrong buddy?" Taylor knelt down in front of him and he reached out to grab her, his tiny hands clinging to her shoulders. She stood up and put him on her hip, walking up the steps to the last house.

Carter mumbled out a tired 'trick or treat', a little yawn leaving his lips as he clung to Taylor. The elderly woman laughed, throwing a few extra pieces of candy in his bowl making sure it got filled to the top. Taylor said thank you and rubbed Carter's back as he started to fall asleep on her shoulder.

About a half an hour later she walked inside the house with Carter sound asleep with his head on her shoulder, his lips slightly parted. You took him in your arms and Taylor put his bowl on the floor, the sound of Carter's candy hitting the floor waking him up. He shrieked excitedly and you put him on the ground as he started to dig through the candy for all of his favorites.

You kissed Taylor's cheek and she blushed. "Thank you for taking him out. Looks like he had a great time." Taylor rubbed her hand along the curve of your spine and Carter tapped her on the shoulder. "What's up buddy?" Carter took Taylor's hand from your back and put a piece of candy in her hand before kissing her cheek. "What's this for?"

He shrugged at first but Taylor rubbed his shoulder and he crawled on her lap, his head resting on her shoulder. "Thank you momma." Taylor's heart skipped a beat and she looked at you, both of you staring at your little boy with tears in your eyes. Taylor realized then that it's the first time anyone besides you has ever taken him trick or treating, something he always thought would never happen.

For a long time he got jealous of other kids who got to have these experiences, but now he was getting to have these times with Taylor and his heart, that you always swore was much bigger than his body, was warmer than ever. Taylor gave him a hug and squeezed him tight, but not too tight. "I love you so much, buddy. Maybe next year we can all go out together?" Taylor and Carter both looked at you with a glimmer of hope in their eyes. "Of course we can." Carter cheered happily before getting back on the floor, already in search of your favorite candy for you and handing it to you with a sweet kiss to your chin.

You took a seat on the floor and helped him rummage through all his candy while Taylor sat on the couch behind you, capturing a few pictures and watching her two favorite people in the world.

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