you're really sick

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Taylor was panicking as she paced back and forth, hoping that she could find something that would make you feel better. She wasn't sure what was happening exactly. You went to bed four hours ago and you were totally fine, but just an hour ago you woke her up because you were sick and within that hour you've only gotten worse.

Taylor was terrified. She's looked up every symptom that you've got in hopes that she could find what you might have but she didn't think any of them fit. You're only getting worse by the minute, so sick that you can't keep down the medicine Taylor gave you in hopes that it would help your fever go down. She was close to calling her mom, but it was one am where she was and she didn't wanna wake her up unless she really had to.

Taylor watched you roll around on the bed in pain, your stomach hurting so bad you couldn't even get up when you got sick the first time. She was concerned and she wanted to help you but she didn't know how. She put her hand on your back and rubbed it soothingly. "You feeling worse, darling?" You nodded your head, a little whine leaving your lips when you felt like you might be sick again. "Want me to take you to the hospital?" You shook your head, crying a little over how sick you felt. "No. Just wanna feel better." Taylor nodded and continued to rub your back.

It was hard for her to hide her tears from you. She's never seen you so sick and it was scaring her. She wanted to take it all away from you. She wished it could be her instead, because seeing you so sick and in so much pain was way worse than her being sick. She snapped out of her thoughts when you whined and moved so you could be sick in the trash can beside you on the floor. She rubbed your back, moving the hair that fell out of your messy bun behind your ear as she pressed small comforting kisses to the shell of your ear.

"I'm sorry" you mumbled when you finished and Taylor shook her head. "You don't have anything to be sorry about, my baby. This isn't your fault. Just lay back, try to relax." She pressed a kiss to your burning hot forehead, concerned that your fever was only getting higher and higher. She's anxious at the sight of you being so ill, tears stinging her eyes but she quickly wiped them away before you could see them. She no longer cared about the time difference, she had to call her mom. If anyone knows what to do to make you feel better or what you could possibly have, it was a parent.

She paced the floor as the line continued to ring until her mom finally answered. "Taylor? Honey, is everything okay?" Taylor looked at you and saw just how miserable and sick you truly looked and she couldn't fight her tears any longer. She bursted into tears, sobbing to her mom about how sick you were and how scared she is. "I don't know what to do mom. I'm scared. She won't stop throwing up, her stomach is so sore, her fever is getting worse, and I don't know what to do to make her feel better. You have to know what to do mom, please." Taylor was sobbing, almost feeling like she was gonna have a panic attack because she was so worried about you.

"Okay, Taylor, honey. Just take a deep breath. Y/n will be just fine, I promise. It just sounds like a really bad case of the flu, but she'll be better in a few days. Just try to keep her as hydrated as possible and make sure she gets lots of rest." Taylor sighed heavily, sniffling and wiping away her tears. She looked back at you to see that you had fallen back asleep. "I think she's sleeping again." "That's wonderful, sweetheart. Just let her rest as much as she needs, have her drink plenty of water, and make sure that you get her some medicine later. If her fever gets too bad take her to the hospital, otherwise she should be okay."

"Okay. Thanks mom. I'll take great care of her. I love you." "I know you will, Taylor. I love you too. Call me if you need anything else." She ended the call and carefully crawled back under the covers, adjusting them over you to make sure that you were as warm as possible. She fell back asleep soon after, but was ready to wake right back up if you got sick again or if you needed anything at all.

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