she wants to help you (requested)

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A/N: trigger warning ⚠️ this chapter revolves around an eating disorder so please don't read this chapter if this kinda stuff makes you uncomfortable.


Taylor's seen this a lot. As a physcologist she's seen people struggle with eating disorders a lot. But never did she think she'd see you struggle with it.

She saw the early signs of it; the way you'd only push the food around on your plate with your fork but never actually eat it because you were too afraid, or how you'd make excuses claiming you weren't hungry because you were scared of eating. It pained her to see it so she talked to you, telling you that she wasn't telling you this because she's a physcologist, but because she's also your girlfriend and she loves you more than anything else in the world.

She hoped maybe, just maybe, that would help. And for a little while it looked like it did. She saw you eat and she thought everything was okay.

But she should've seen it sooner. She should've known what you're doing, because, as a physcologist, she's seen it countless times. She's seen the eating disorders get worse and she's seen them go from one to another in some cases. She's seen her patients lie to their families, eating only to please them, only to get it up later.

And Taylor hated herself for being so oblivious. This kinda stuff is her job and you're her girlfriend. How could she be so blind? It was accidental. Finding out. She got off of work early and wanted to surprise you. She walked inside to find a plate of food on the counter and she heard the sound of you vomiting just down the hallway and her heart sunk. She threw all her things down before running to the bathroom. She didn't say anything, at first. Instead she grabbed your hair and held it out of your face so you wouldn't get sick in it. But when you were done she was through biting her tongue. She had to help you before it's too late.

She sat down on the couch next to you. It was silent at first. Neither of you knowing what to say, until Taylor decided to throw out her usual scripted questions and talk to you heart to heart, because this wasn't any ordinary situation; you're not a patient, you're her girlfriend. "Y/N we have to talk about this." You stayed silent and Taylor's mind and heart were both racing. "Darling, look at me."

You didn't look at her until she cupped your chin in her hands, forcing you to look at her. "You know i'm not gonna judge you. I just wanna know why. That's all, baby, c'mon, talk to me." The tears started to fall and Taylor put her thumbs on your cheeks to catch every single one of them. "I don't know what happened. I tried to get better, Tay, I did, I promise. But I just couldn't. I didn't wanna let you down. I never wanna let you down." Taylor kissed both your cheeks and stroked them softly. "You didn't let me down y/n. You would and you could never ever let me down. I just love you. I love you more than anything else in this world."

You sobbed and Taylor still caught your tears, pressing her lips to your forehead as she whispered softly against your skin. "I'm sorry." Taylor shook her head, one hand still on your cheek as the other cupped your chin again. "Don't apologize. I just wanna help you so we don't have to send you to rehab." You gasped, worry clouding your eyes as your heart started to race. "Rehab? No, Tay, please. I don't wanna go to rehab. Please don't make me." Taylor leaned her forehead on yours, her eyes locking with yours as she moved her hands to your hair. "I won't, as long as we can get this under control. I don't wanna see you do this to yourself anymore." You nodded and she held her pinky finger out. "Promise me, y/n." You locked your pinky with hers and she smiled. "I promise."

Taylor got up and went over to the counter to grab your plate of food. "Just try to take a few bites of this, for me." You held eye contact with her as she put some food on the fork and moved the fork to your lips. "You can do this baby, I know you can." You opened your lips and sighed as the delicious food hit your tongue. Taylor kept feeding you for a few until you felt like you couldn't eat anymore, not because you didn't want to, but because you were actually feeling a little ull for the first time in a while and you didn't wanna take a chance on getting sick because of eating too much too fast.

"You did great, baby." She put the plate on the table and sat back against the couch. She pulled you against her and ran her hands up and down your sides. "I love you so much. I'll always be here for you, my darling." You smiled and leaned your head on her shoulder. "Love you too Taylor."

And with her help, you'd get through it, just like you got through all the hardships life threw at you, because Taylor was always right by your side every step of the way.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now