Your parents don't approve of your relationship with her - part two (requested)

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You drove home with tears in your eyes. You couldn't believe that your parents didn't approve of your relationship with Taylor. 

Just like everyone else, they had judged her before getting to know her, something you've witnessed her go through many times firsthand. You were torn on telling Taylor; Of course, she was gonna ask you what was wrong when you got home because you were crying, but you didn't want her to know that out of all people your parents didn't approve of you two being together.

You sat in your car in the driveway for a few minutes when you got home, thinking things through over and over again. You soon got out and walked up the stairs to the front door, taking a deep breath before opening it. Taylor was sitting on the couch watching reruns of her favorite show. 

"Hey baby! How'd everything go?" 

She stood up and took a few steps closer to you. You tried to keep it all inside but you couldn't. Fresh tears fell down your cheeks and you walked over to her, embracing her in a huge hug, gripping her so tightly because you didn't wanna tell her what had actually happened, you didn't want to hurt her feelings. 

"Y/n? What happened honey? Are you okay?" 

You looked at her, smiling when she cupped your cheeks in her soft hands. 

"Taylor, I don't wanna tell you." 

She frowned, chuckling nervously, her hands rubbing up and down your arms. "Why not? You can tell me anything baby, you know that."

You grabbed her hand and led her over to the couch, taking her hands in yours and biting your lip as the tears started to sting your eyes again. 

"It's my parents. They don't approve of us being together." 

You felt her hands start to shake a little, a sharp breath coming from her lips. 

"But I don't care about that, Tay. I want you to know that, I need you to know that." 

She looked down at her feet, silence hanging over the room making your heart break. You put your index finger under her chin, pulling it up to find her normally bright and beautiful blue eyes were now sad and filled with tears. 


"I'm sorry. I don't wanna come between you and your parents." She whispered. 

She was more vulnerable and anxious than you've ever seen her before. She was afraid; afraid that this was it, that you were gonna walk away. 

"Taylor, look at me." You whispered, a tiny sob leaving her lips before she looked at you. 

You put your hands on her cheeks, wiping the tears that were freely falling from her eyes. She was heartbroken and you hated knowing that your parents were the reason to blame. 

"Sweet girl, I'm never going anywhere. My parents tried to tell me that they loved me and they wanted me to be happy, but if they don't see that you're the reason I'm so happy then I don't wanna be around them. Yes, I love them, but I love you so much more. You're the one I go to after a bad day or when I need someone to confide in about anything because you never judge me for anything and you love me for who I am. I am not leaving you, I will never leave you. I don't care what my parents say or think, or what the world says or thinks about you or about us. I love you no matter what and I mean that wholeheartedly." 

She looked at you as the tears clouded her vision, her lips touching the corner of your mouth before she moved one of her hands to brush some hair away from your face. 

"I love you so much more, y/n. I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you."

 She wrapped her arms around you and you giggled. 

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now