love bites (requested)

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You took one last look in the mirror to make sure your makeup looked perfect. This year for halloween you decided to go as Harley Quinn and though it took a little while to do your hair and makeup, it all felt worth it now.

you saw Taylor creep up behind you in the mirror. She's dressed up as a vampire, the cape around her shoulders and the fake blood on the corner of her lips that dripped down to her chin was a clear indication of that.

You smiled as she nuzzled her face in your neck, closing your eyes as she started to softly kiss your skin. But when you felt something hard hit your skin and it actually hurt, your eyes shot open and you moved your fingers up to the spot. "Ow, Tay, that actually hurt."

Taylor saw you pouting, your bottom lip wobbling as tears filled your eyes. "Oh baby, i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It was just supposed to be a little joke. Are you okay?" She wrapped her arms around your stomach and took out the fake teeth, before she started to kiss your skin again. She noticed the spot where she had actually bit, a bruise already starting to form and it looked really painful.

She felt guilty already from seeing you cry but that mark on your neck made her feel worse. "I'm sorry, darling. Is there anything I can do to make it feel better?" Her eyes locked with yours in the mirror, her thumb brushing along your side. "Maybe you can kiss it?" She smirked at you and giggled, but pressed her lips to the sore red spot on your neck, paying a little extra attention to it. "Better?" You smiled and nodded your head, leaning it back on her shoulder.

"Ready to go to the party?" She asked and you bit your lip. "I guess so, but this spot is gonna raise a few eyebrows." Taylor laughed and stroked your back. "I love you my beautiful, silly girl."

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora