You get in an accident

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You didn't understand what was happening. You opened your eyes to find paramedics surrounding you as blood seeped through your now ripped up clothes. What happened? Just a few minutes ago you were listening to the radio, driving along the interstate to meet up with your friends, but now you're on a stretcher? You looked down at your body, barely recognizing it through the blood and cuts across your body. "You're awake!" One of the paramedics spoke, tapping your cheek when your eyelids fluttered shut again. "No, I need you to stay with me. What's your name?" You felt so tired, completely exhausted. "Y/n" you managed to murmur, the exhaustion threatening to pull you under again but the paramedics kept you awake.
"Y/n, stay with me, okay? We're gonna get you to the hospital."

It all hit you then. The reason you were bleeding, why you were cut up so badly, why you were being loaded in the back of an ambulance - you had gotten into an accident, a bad one, you assumed. "Taylor" You whispered, so quiet that the paramedic had to ask you to repeat what you had said because he didn't hear you the first time. "Taylor. My girlfriend. You have to call her. Please." The paramedic grabbed your phone and managed to unlock it, going to your contacts and clicking on Taylor's name before handing it to the other paramedic when you started to close your eyes again. This time he panicked. He couldn't get you to wake back up, no matter how much he tried, and the other paramedic was unsure of what to tell Taylor other than you had gotten to an accident and you were on the way to the hospital.

Taylor didn't wait a single second to book a flight out to you. She pushed through the tears in her eyes and managed to swallow the lump in her throat, the sobs that she kept choking on as she envisioned what you were going through right now. You need her right now and she needs you just as badly. She didn't give any explanation to anyone, just rushing to the airport and getting on the plane to get to the hospital as fast as possible.

You woke up to a bright room and a pounding headache. You looked around the room, things looking a little blurry but you could tell it was a hospital room that you were in. You tried to sit up but the pain was too much and you couldn't move. You tried to speak, yelling out for help as you started to panic over what had happened but nothing was coming out. You managed to sit up, ready to rip the wires out of your arm to go find someone to help you when you heard someone outside of the room. "My girlfriend is in there! No, you have to let me through. I don't care that visiting hours are over, my girlfriend just got in an accident. Let me through!" Taylor walked in a few seconds later, being careful to close the door quietly behind her before turning back to you. She was surprised to see you awake but nothing shocked her more than how best up you looked.

She rushed over to you and grabbed your hand, clumsily finding the chair with her free hand and sitting down on it. She felt a tear slip from her eye. She couldn't believe how bad it all looked. You had stitches on your forehead, your left leg was in a cast, and the cut and bruises were practically everywhere on your body from head to toe. "Oh my poor baby. Are you okay? What happened?" You shrugged, wincing when you did so. It hurt. Everything hurt. "I don't know what happened Taylor. I don't know." It came out in a panicked rush and Taylor squeezed your hand lightly. "Breathe baby breathe." "It hurts. Everything hurts, Tay." Another tear slipped out and she smoothed back some hair that was sticking to your forehead. "I know, darling. I know it hurts. Just breathe, you're just panicking now." You took another look at her, feeling a little better about the situation with her by your side.

"Is it bad? I'm scared to look." Taylor shook her head. Sure, it might've looked bad to some, but you were breathing and your arms and legs were still there and those were things to be thankful for. Despite the bandages, bruises, stitches, and cuts covering you, Taylor swore you still looked beautiful. "Doesn't look that bad to me. Everything is still there and you still look beautiful." You giggled even though it hurt. "I'm sure I look very beautiful in this hospital gown." Taylor laughed at your humor, loving how, despite the circumstances, your sarcasm and humor were still in tact. "Aren't you supposed to be in another state right now?" Taylor shook her head again, pressing her lips everywhere on your forehead, carefully brushing her lips where the stitches were. "No. I had a show there, but I'm meant to be here with you right now. You think a concert is more important than you? And after you got into an accident? I know you're not serious. You're my first priority, you know this, baby. Now I think it's time you try to get some rest."

You smiled as her hand softly moved across your face. Her touch felt feather-soft. She always made you feel more at ease no matter how bad the situation could be, case in point. You cautiously moved to the other end of the bed, patting the small space next to you. "Please lay with me" You whispered softly, keeping her hand in yours. She climbed on the bed that was only made for one, the small space uncomfortable to say the least, but for you - it was worth it. She stroked your cheek and watched you close your eyes. "I love you so much
y/n. I'm so happy you're okay."

She didn't move from that bed until you woke up the next morning. She didn't leave the hospital until you did. All of the things she had planned had to be put on hold, you came first and Taylor made that very clear. People were supportive and understanding, assuring Taylor that when she was ready to come back to them, they were there. They sent you kind messages and a couple somehow managed to send you a few gifts. And when you were released from the hospital three weeks later, Taylor still stayed by your side. When she left for tour a month after that, she insisted you come with her, where she could keep you protected at all times.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें