Puny Mortal [1]

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A/N: Just so you know, this is an AU (Alternate Universe), which means some things will be a bit different. Peter's powers aren't going to come from a spider bite, as explained in this upcoming chapter. Also, this is chapter takes place in September of 2004, since MCU Peter Parker was born on August 10th, 2001. In this version, The Avengers have already met (In the actual MCU they don't meet until 2010). As of now, I'm unsure if I'm going to include the Battle of New York or Age of Ultron in this story, but those will happen in accurate times.

Warnings (this story may include): Sexual references, alcohol use, drug use, strong language, mental disorders and more.

From now on I will place any trigger warnings at the top of each chapter.

Enjoy the story!

[September, 2004]

Third Person

Tony and Steve were cuddling on the couch, Steve big spooning Tony. Steve was running his fingers through Tony's hair. "Hey Steve?" Stark asked out of no where, in a mumbled voice signifying that he was a bit tired.

"Yes?" Steve replied, noticing Tony's sleepiness and finding it very cute and adorable. He suddenly kissed Tony on the cheek because he just felt as if he needed to.

Tony turned so he was facing Steve on the couch. "Do you think we should get a kid?" He asked sleepily, but Steve could tell he was being serious.

Rogers simply smiled. "I think that would be wonderful."

"Sir, incoming call from a Nick Fury," Friday spoke, interrupting their cuddle time.

"I'm sorry," Tony apologized to his boyfriend, kissing him deeply on the lips before standing up from the couch. "Answer it," He ordered his robotic friend.

Soon enough, a hologram of Nick Fury was standing in front of the two. Steve stood up and began to try and fix Tony's messy hair during the call. "Hello Mr Fury," Tony greeted, swatting away his boyfriend's hands.

"Tony, we have a situation. Last night S.H.I.E.L.D. broke into Hydra's facility, discovering many upon many test subjects. Most were dead, but we found one three year old boy. After a few tests back at our base, we concluded that Hydra gave him spider-like abilities," Nick Fury explained.

Stark bit the inside of his cheek, processing the words Fury was telling him. "Okay," He finally replied, as a way of telling Nick to continue.

"We would like you to take him in."

Tony's eyes widened. "You mean like... temporarily?" He questioned, not really sure of what Fury was asking of him.

Nick shook his head. "No, permanently. You need to raise this child, Stark."

Tony ran his fingers through his hair, contemplating the situation. "Why?" He finally asked.

Fury sighed. "This is a child, Stark. He still has a full life ahead of him. But unfortunately we can't place him in a normal household because of his special abilities, so who's better to raise him than those who have super powers themselves?" Nick bit his lip. "The kid needs this, Tony. You'll grow a soft spot for him fast, I know I have."

Steve wrapped his arms around Tony from behind. "This could be our moment," He whispered into Stark's ear.

Tony nodded. "Okay, we'll take him in," He agreed.

Fury nodded. "Meet at our base as soon as you can."

Stark turned to his boyfriend. "Let's do this."

———>Time Skippity<———

Eventually, Tony, Steve, and the rest of The Avengers arrived at SHIELD's base, not really knowing what to expect. Nick Fury was leading them down halls, taking many twisty turns to the point where they were skeptical of the situation.

Finally they stopped in front of a glass cage that was in the wall, only to notice that inside the glass room was a model of a baby room. Inside the baby room, there was a small brown haired boy playing with Avengers action figures.

"Our action figures? Really?" Tony asked Nick, in which he got a shrug in reply.

"Can we see his super powers yet?" Clint asked eagerly.

Fury nodded. "This is the first thing we found," He told them, then hit a button on the key pad outside the glass cage.

Low began to play.

"Shawty had them apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur!" The boy inside the cage suddenly stood up and started bouncing to the lyrics, giggling like crazy.

"He loves this song," Nick informed The Avengers.

"The puny mortal is heaving," Thor commented, using abnormal vocabulary as the little one danced around the room.

"Okay okay," Tony stated, hitting a button on the keypad, pausing the song. "But what about his special abilities you were telling us about?"

Fury nodded, touching a different button on the keypad. Suddenly a small hatch opened up on the ceiling within the glass cage, revealing a red opened sucker. The boy inside must've noticed the candy up there, since he randomly made a hand gesture towards the ceiling. A web-like substance flung out from what looked like his wrist, attaching to the ceiling. The substance yanked him from the ground, and the boy stuck to the ceiling by simply placing his palms down.

"Peter can shoot webs from his wrists, causing him to be very agile. He also has some sort of stickiness on his fingers, as he can climb walls and stay on ceilings," Nick explained to the team.

The Avengers watched as the boy crawled on the ceiling over to where the sucker was, grabbing it and beginning to lick it. "Peter, nice," Clint commented on his name.

That's when a Fury hit another button on the key pad, sending a ball rolling under a couch in the room. The boy dropped from the ceiling, landing in a stance that seemed to cause no pain from the height he dropped from. Then he hobbled over to the couch, getting on his knees and looking under it, trying to reach for the ball.

"He also has super strength," Fury informed the team as Peter eventually just lifted the entire couch and set it aside.

Steve smiled. "I have a weight lifting buddy," He said to himself.

Nick hit another button on the keypad, causing a tennis ball to be sent hurdling towards Peter at an intense speed. Suddenly the boy's hand popped up, catching the ball without even looking in the general direction. "Along with unnatural reflexes."

"I'm totally making him play football," Sam told the team.

"That is all of his abilities that we've discovered so far. Who knows, you might find more throughout his life," Fury explained to The Avengers.

Tony nodded. "Let's see him." 

Nick pressed a big green button at the bottom of the key pad, sliding open a now visible door in the glass. "Come out, Peter," He called to the small boy inside.

The little one stumbled towards the new opening, practically falling into Stark's arms. "IRON MAN!" He exclaimed, pointing at Tony aggressively.

The older laughed. "Yes, that's me," He told Peter, lifting him up into his arms. 

The little one busted into a bunch of giggle fits, squirming in Tony's grasp. "Hair!" He gasped out, staring at Thor's golden locks. He reached out to grab some, but Thor flinched back before he could.

"No tiny puny mortal thing is touching my hair," He declared.

Peter giggled, webbing Thor's hand and using his super strength to yank him towards him and Tony. Thor stumbled, caught off guard. That's when the boy used this chance to grab  a fistful of his hair. "Hey!" The god bellowed.

"Peter!" Steve scolded, prying Thor's hair from the boy's grasp.

The little one let out even more giggles before turning to Steve. "Captain America!" He shouted, but he didn't quite get the words out correctly, so it sounded more like "Cap on merik ah".

"Come on, let's go home," Tony told the boy, walking with The Avengers down the hall and away from the glass cage.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! Throughout this story, I'm going to add fluffy and angsty moments along with drama and action :)

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