Thanksgiving [6]

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[November, 2004]

<Peter's Age: 3>

Third Person

It's been a few weeks since the alcohol accident, in which Peter was fully recovered from. Now Peter was running around with a girl around his age.

Four year old Shuri, a princess from Wakanda. She was one of the many that was visiting for Thanksgiving. Her older brother, T'Challa, is the reason she's here. Him being an Avenger meant she could go to The Avengers Thanksgiving dinner.

(I did the math, if Peter is 3, Shuri is 4, and T'Challa is 23. I had him become Black Panther early on in this AU, so his father died at a young age. Mwahahaha look at me I'm smart)

Peter never really knew how many Avengers there were until they all showed up at the Tower in one day. Nick Fury, the founder was there of course. Along with Tony, Steve, Thor, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, T'Challa, Shuri, Sam, Rhodey, Bucky, Dr Strange, and Scott.

(I also had Scott join them early in this AU.... lmao fight me)

Shuri and Peter were running around the dining room. The two kids were giggling like crazy, Peter webbing everything and Shuri admiring his skill. Shuri also showed off her "pet", which was actually a hovering robot that she built. Peter admired that in return.

In the living room, Thor, Clint, T'Challa, Sam, Rhodey, Bucky, and Scott were all watching the Buffalo Bills vs the Dallas Cowboys football game. They were all getting very into it, screaming and jumping around the room whenever the Bills made a touchdown, shouting and cussing at the TV whenever the Cowboys got the ball. The only one who didn't do that was Thor, and he was just commenting on how puny their skills were and how much better he would be at the stupid mortal game.

Tony, Bruce, and Strange were intensely discussing the Quantum Realm at the kitchen counter, questioning reality in every way possible.

Natasha and Steve were the ones preparing the dinner in the kitchen, making sure the food was perfect for everyone to eat. "Turkey's ready!" Steve suddenly called out to everyone.

The boys in the living room beamed, turning off the TV and heading over to the dining room table. Natasha put two booster chairs next to each other, and Steve helped Shuri and Peter onto them. The kids giggled with each other as Natasha and Steve began placing the food on the table.

Turkey, chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, cranberries, rice, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, cheese, and more. Peter let out a squeal of excitement as everyone began seating themselves. "What would you like on your plate, Pete?" Tony asked the boy after he sat down next to him.

Peter looked around at the table. "Do you want turkey?" Stark asked him. Peter nodded. Tony placed some turkey on Peter's plate. "Mashed potatoes too, you love mashed potatoes." He scooped some onto the kid's plate. Peter beamed at that part. "Also corn." Peter scrunched up his face and shook his head. "Pete, you need some vegetables. If you don't eat your vegetables, you can't grow big and strong like Cappa," Tony told him, scooping some corn onto Peter's plate.

"Okay Dada," Peter replied, digging his spoon into the pile of corn on his plate. He really wanted to be big and strong like Cappa. He shoved it all in his mouth and giggled.

"So, when'd you guys get the little guy?" Scott asked, gesturing to Peter as he scooped mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"Oh, just a few months ago. He was a victim of Hyrda's experiments so we took him in. Who knew we could become so attached," Steve explained with a smile. "How's the food? Did we burn anything?"

"Oh, no, it's delicious," Bucky assured him with a mouth full of turkey. "When's Peter going to start training?"

"Tomorrow," Tony replied immediately. He received a kick under the table from Steve. "When he's old enough," Stark corrected himself with a cough. Steve looked satisfied.

T'Challa laughed. "Is this what it is like when I am gone? I should come more often," He said with his soothing Wakandan accent.

"Dada he talks weird," Peter said loudly, causing everyone at the table to chuckle.

Tony looked at me with a smile. "He's from a magical place called Wakanda. They have very strong metals there. You know Cappa's shield?" Peter nodded. "The metal is from Wakanda," He told the boy. "Did you know that Shuri is from Wakanda too?"

Peter looked at Shuri with shock, feeling betrayed. Everyone laughed at the surprised face Peter was making. "You from Wookada?!" He shrieked with surprise, making everyone laugh even more.

Shuri ignored him, intensely chewing her green beans.

"Can I keep him?" Scott asked the team.

"No," They all replied in unison.

"Oh. It was worth a shot."

A/N: so fluffy and wholesome ahhh

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