Paparazzi [3]

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[October, 2004]

<Peter's Age: 3>

Third Person

"What about this one?" Tony asked, showing Peter a bumble bee costume. He was kneeling down at the boy's eye level, showing him different costumes for Halloween. They were in the little kids costume isle at Walmart, Tony wearing sunglasses and casual clothing as a way to disguise from the public.

Peter huffed, shaking his head. "No bugs," He told Tony.

"Isn't a spider a bug?" Stark mumbled to himself, standing back up. "Well which one would you like, then?" He asked the child standing below him.

Peter beamed, running on his little legs down the isle and stopping in front of the super heroes costume. He put his finger on the Iron Man costume. "Dada!" He exclaimed, hitting the costume indicating he wanted that one.

"Yes, that's Dada," Tony said with laugh, lifting Peter into his arms and grabbing the costume off of the shelf. "You want to be Dada for Halloween?"

The boy nodded eagerly, his eyes lighting up.

"Alright," He replied with a chuckle, carrying Peter and his costume to the checkout line. He set Peter on the item mover thing, letting him ride the thing until he got to the scanner. Tony lifted the kid off of the counter, holding him in his arms.

"That will be $18.26," The lady at the checkout told Tony before she looked up. "Holy shit, you're Tony Stark!" She exclaimed loudly.

Tony's smile faded, realizing what she's done. He bit his lip, tucking Peter closer to his chest. "Yep, that's me," He informed her, taking out his credit card and swiping it quickly.

Someone in a nearby checkout must've overheard, since he heard a "Oh my God!" in that general direction. Soon enough, before Tony was finished paying, people surrounded them, taking pictures of him and Peter.

Peter started to whine. "It's okay," Tony whispered into the boy's hair as he grabbed the costume and made his way through the crowd and towards the exit doors.

That's when people started to grab at them, causing Peter to start crying. "Hey!" Tony exclaimed. "I have a little kid here, that's unacceptable!"

Eventually they made it out of the Walmart and into Tony's sports car. By that time, a camera crew had shown up. "Tony Stark, who is this kid to you? Are the rumors true that you've adopted this child?" He asked the celebrity.

"No comment!" The Avenger called as he drove away with Peter in his lap.

Peter was still crying into Tony's chest, terrified. "It's okay Pete," Stark assured the kid, rubbing his back with his free hand while his other hand was on the steering wheel. After a while Peter calmed down enough to resort to sniffles instead of sobs. "There you go," Tony murmured, continuing to rub his back.

After a few minutes they parked outside of Avengers Tower, where there were more camera men. This time it was expected, so Tony had enough time to put Peter on his shoulders, Peter grabbing onto Tony's hair to keep steady.

"Ow, you really pull, kid!" Stark exclaimed at Peter as they walked into the Tower. They began to walk to the elevator.

"Button!" Peter told Tony.

"You want to hit the button?" Stark asked, getting Peter off of his shoulders and holding him out.

"Yes please, Dada," Peter replied as he hit the 'up' arrow. Tony brought Peter back into his arms as they stepped into the elevator. He hit the correct floor number, then set Peter on the ground.

"Woah!" Peter exaggerated as the elevator began to move upwards. Then he fell over on purpose, busting out into a fit of giggles.

"You okay, Pete?" Tony asked just to make sure.

"Ya!" Peter squealed, standing back up once the doors opened. "Hold hands, Dada?" He asked Tony, holding up his tiny palm.

Stark smiled, grabbing the boy's hand and walking out with the Iron Man costume.

Clint raised an eyebrow at the costume. "Really Tony? Could you be anymore narcissistic?" He judged.

"Hey, it was the kid that wanted it, not me!" Tony explained, gesturing to Peter.

"I wan be Dada!" Peter shouted at Clint with joy. Tony pulled the mask off of the costume and handed it to the boy, watching the child's eyes sparkle with delight. Peter put on the mask, then held up his palm at Clint. "Pew pew!" He exclaimed.

"Ah!" Clint replied, placing his hand on his heart as if been shot. "You got me!" He yelled, falling down.

Peter let out a shriek of happiness and ran towards Clint, pouncing on the older. "Got you!" He told Clint. "I got you I got you!"

"You got me!" Clint repeated.

A/N: omg these are so wholesome

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