Winter Holidays [7]

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[December, 2004]

<Peter's Age: 3>

A/N: I'm sorry if you celebrate a different winter holiday, it's just easiest for me to write about Christmas since that's the only holiday I've ever really learned growing up. If you'd like to tell me about a different winter holiday your family celebrates, go right ahead! I'm always open to learn about new cultures. Sorry again, I hope I don't offend anyone because that's not my goal

Third Person

Peter soon learned that Thanksgiving was the biggest holiday for The Avengers. It was the only day where everyone was in the same place. It made sense that they only did that for one day of the year, since it makes them very vulnerable to be in the same place, but then again it's surprising that it's not Christmas.

When Christmas rolled around, the group was surprisingly small. Thor has gone back to Asgard to spend his time with his family. They don't celebrate Christmas there, but apparently it's standard to spend time with family around this time of year.

Banner went to spend time with siblings back at his home, and Scott was celebrating with his wife. T'Challa and Shuri stayed in Wakanda and celebrated their culture's winter holiday as well.

Basically everyone went back to their families except Natasha, Clint, Steve, Tony, and Peter, who were all gathered near a Christmas tree in the middle of the living room. Everyone exchanged gifts while Peter played with the ornaments on the tree, staring at them as if they were aliens from space.

Eventually it got to Peter's turn to open presents. He let out a squeak of excitement, seeing the first present being set down in front of him. It was a medium sized box that was wrapped in red and black wrapping paper, and it was from Clint. Peter squealed, tearing the paper off with happiness. Tony had to help him open the actual box, since the kid couldn't quite get the hang of it.

Peter peaked inside, and took the item out. It was an extremely soft and fluffy spider stuffed animal. "Spiwder!" Peter hooted, cuddling it close to him.

"What do you say?" Steve asked the boy.

"Thank you," He murmured quietly, not really paying attention. He was too distracted by how soft the plushie was, hugging it and squeezing it with pure joy.

Another present was placed in front of him, this time it was from Natasha. It was a long box, wrapped with green wrapping paper. Peter tore off the paper, then just tore the cardboard with his super strength, not caring as much anymore. He looked at the item with confusion.

Inside the box was a full out katana.

"Natasha!" Steve scolded.

"Sword!" Peter exclaimed, reaching for it.

Tony snatched the boy and placed him on his lap. "No touchie," He told Peter, grabbing his hands.

"What? He doesn't have to use it, it'd be a cool decoration in his room," Nat pointed out to everyone.

"I think it's badass," Clint commented.

"Same here," Tony agreed.

Steve glared at the two. "Fine, but we're not letting him touch the thing."

"Badass," Peter repeated after Clint.

Steve looked horrified, but Tony just laughed. "Yes Peter, it's badass," Stark agreed, ruffling the boy's hair. "Okay! Now it's your present from me," He said, taking out a smaller box from behind him. It was wrapped in gold wrapping paper.

Peter tore it open, to find a watch. Tony grinned, taking the watch and clipping it around Peter's wrist. "It's something I made, press this button right here~" Stark pressed the blue button on the watch, causing a hologram to appear. "Walla! Now if you go here," The scientist swiped the air, causing the hologram to move. He tapped a spot, opening a game. "Now you can play games wherever you want."

Peter giggled, fascinated by the hologram. He swiped it around, tapping different things. Tony leaned into Steve. "It has a tracker and a heart beat monitor, as well as other things," He whispered to his boyfriend. "For safety measures."

Steve nodded. "Okay, now it's my present for you," Steve announced reaching under the tree and grabbing a medium sized box. Peter tore it open, looking inside to find a small hoodie that fit him. It was a red onesie, with black web designs acrossed it and a spider symbol on it's chest. It's sleeves and pants were blue, and it's feet were red again.

Peter gave a small smile. "It's your superhero suit, buddy," Steve told him. The boy beamed after hearing that. 

He looked at Tony. "Iron man?" He asked.

Tony shook his head. "No, you're more like... Spider Man," He replied.

Peter looked back at the onesie. "Spiwder Man!" He shouted, hugging it tightly.

"There's a present from Santa, too," Tony told Peter. He stood up, walking over behind the couch and grabbing a cardboard box that was hidden. This box wasn't wrapped or taped up. Instead, it almost seemed like it was... moving.

Tony placed it down in front of Peter. The boy opened the flaps on top, and out jumped a golden retriever puppy. "PUPPY!" Peter shrieked, tackling the animal and hugging it to the point where it could suffocate.

"Peter Peter, let go~" Steve ordered, realizing that Peter's super strength might actually hurt the dog. 

Peter let go, the puppy jumping out of his arms and prancing around the room. Eventually it ran back to the boy and began attacking his face with licks, causing Peter to giggle and fall over.

"What's it's name again?" Steve asked Tony.

"I don't know, let's let Peter name it," His boyfriend replied.

Steve rolled his eyes. "We're not letting a three year old name our dog," He pointed out.

Tony sighed. "Fine, Apollo it is."

Steve raised an eyebrow. "Where'd you get Apollo?" He asked with confusion.

"I don't know. I just come up with names sometimes. Let it be," Tony informed Steve.

Everyone watched as Peter chased Apollo around the living room, squealing and giggling like it was the best thing in the world.

A/N: thoughts on Apollo?

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